Man pages for geospt
Geostatistical Analysis and Design of Optimal Spatial Sampling Networks

bestnetGenerate a SpatialPoints object corresponding to the best...
bp.with.outlier.labelgeospt internal function
COSha10Soil organic carbon database at a sampling depth of 0-10 cm
COSha10mapMap of total soil carbon stock (t/ha) at 0-10 cm depth
COSha30Soil organic carbon database at a sampling depth of 0-30 cm
COSha30mapMap of total soil carbon stock (t/ha) at 0-30 cm depth
criterio.cvCross-validation summaries
est.variogramsVariogram Estimator
extractFormulageospt internal function
geospt-packageGeostatistical Analysis and Design of Optimal Spatial...
graph.rbfGraph that describes the behavior of the optimized _eta_ and...
lalibMap of boundary enclosing La Libertad Research Center
network.designGenerating 'ASEPE' associated with a conditioned network...
pocket.plotgraphs the probability or standardized variance in the...
preciEmpirical data related to rainfall
rbfgaussian, exponential, trigonometric, thin plate spline,...
rbf.cvrbf cross validation leave-one-out
rbf.cv1Generates a RMSPE value, result of cross validation...
RBF.phiradial basis function evaluation
rbf.tcvtable of rbf cross validation, leave-one-out
samplePtssample _n_ point locations in (or on) a spatial object
seqPtsOptNetDesign of optimal sampling networks through the sequential...
simPtsOptNetDesign of optimal sampling networks through the simultaneous...
geospt documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:51 p.m.