Man pages for greenbrown
Land Surface Phenology and Trend Analysis

AccuracyAssessmentAccuracy assessment from a contingency table
AllEqualCheck if all values in a vector are the same
AllTstepsConvert an irregular zoo time series to a zoo time series...
AnomaliesFiltersLagsCalculate anomalies, lags and rolling windows
brgr.colorsBrown-to-green color palette for NDVI trend maps
Col2Adds transparency to a colour
ColorMatrixCreate a square matrix of colors
CompareClassificationCompare two classification maps
CorrectDOYCorrect day-of-year time series
CropNACrop outer NA values from a raster
DecomposeSimple decomposition of time series
FillPermanentGapsFill permanent gaps in time series
FitDoubleLogBeckFit a double logisitic function to a vector according to Beck...
FitDoubleLogElmoreFit a double logisitic function to a vector according to...
GetTsStatisticsRasterEstimate statistical properties of time series in a...
GreenupIdentify greenup and senescence periods in time series
IsPermanentGapIdentify if a gap in a time series occurs permanently
KappaCalculate the Kappa coefficient of two classifications
LmSeasonalCycleCalculate the mean seasonal cycle of a time series based on a...
MannKendallSegApply MannKendall test for segments of a time series
MeanSeasonalCycleCalculate the mean seasonal cycle of a time series
MtsPlotMultiple time series plot
NamesPhenologyRasterGet the layer names for a PhenologyRaster raster brick
NamesTrendRasterGet the layer names for a TrendRaster raster brick
ndviTime series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
ndvimapMap of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
NoBPInitialize an empty list with breakpoints
NoTrendInitialize an empty object of class "Trend"
NoUncInitialize an empty data.frame for trend uncertainties
PhenoDerivMethod 'Deriv' to calculate phenology metrics
PhenologyCalculate phenology metrics in time series
PhenologyRasterCalculate phenology metrics on time series in gridded...
PhenopixMYMulti-year phenology analysis using phenopix
PhenoTrsMethod 'Trs' to calculate phenology metrics
plot.CompareClassificationplot a comparison of two classification rasters
PlotPhenCyclePlot a easonal cycle with phenology metrics
plot.PhenologyPlot time series of phenology metrics
plot.PhenopixMYPlot multi-year phenopix objects
plot.TrendPlot trend and breakpoint results
plot.TrendGradientPlotting function for objects of class TrendGradient
plot.TrendSamplePlot uncertainty of estimated trend based on start and end...
PolygonNAPlot a polygon by accounting for NA values (breaks in...
print.PhenologyPrints phenology metrics
print.TrendPrints trends
SeasonalityCheck a time series for seasonality
SimIAVSimulate the inter-annual variability component of a...
SimRemSimulate the short-term variability component of a surrogate...
SimSeasSimulate the seasonal component of a surrogate time series
SimTrendSimulate trend and breakpoints of a surrogate time series
SimTsSimulate surrogate time series
SplitRasterEquallySplits a raster in equal-area parts
TrendCalculate trends and trend changes in time series
TrendAATTrend estimation based on annual aggregated time series
TrendClassificationClassify a raster in greening and browning trends
TrendGradientCalculate temporal trends along a spatial gradient
TrendLongestSEGExtract slope and p-value for the longest time series segment...
TrendPolyTrend estimation based on a 4th order polynomial
TrendRasterCalculate trends on time series in gridded (raster) data
TrendRQTrend estimation based on quantile regression
TrendRunmedTrend estimation based on a running median
TrendSampleCompute trend statistics by sampling a time series according...
TrendSeasonalAdjustedTrend estimation based on seasonal-adjusted time series
TrendSegmentsRasterIdentify for each multi-temporal raster layer the number of...
TrendSplineTrend estimation based on a smoothing splines
TrendSTLTrend estimation based on STL (Seasonal Decomposition of Time...
TrendSTMTrend estimation based on a season-trend model
TrendTextText of trends in time series
TrendUncertaintyCompute uncertainties in trend statistics according to...
TSGFdoublelogTemporal smoothing and gap filling using double logisitic...
TSGFlinearTemporal smoothing and gap filling using linear interpolation
TSGFphenopixTemporal smoothing and gap filling using phenopix
TSGFsplineTemporal smoothing and gap filling using splines
TSGFstmTemporal smoothing and gap filling based on a season-trend...
TsPPPre-processing of time series
greenbrown documentation built on Dec. 18, 2020, 3:02 p.m.