Man pages for highriskzone
Determining and Evaluating High-Risk Zones

bootcorBootstrap correction to obtain desired failure probability
bootcorrBootstrap correction to obtain desired failure probability
bootcor_restrBootstrap correction to obtain desired failure probability
check_det_hrz_inputChecks the arguments of det_hrz
check_det_hrz_restr_inputChecks the arguments of det_hrz_restr
craterABomb crater Point Pattern
craterBBomb crater Point Pattern
det_alphacalculation of alpha (failure probability), when having the...
det_alpha_eval_arDetermination of failure probability within evaluation area
det_areaCalculation of the area of the high-risk zone.
det_area_holeCalculation of the area of the high-risk zone.
det_guard_widthEstimation of width of a guard region given an estimated...
det_hrzDetermination of the high-risk zone.
det_hrz_eval_arDetermination of high-risk zone on smaller area of interest...
det_hrz_restrDetermination of the high-risk zone.
det_nnareaDetermination of the area of a high-risk zone using the...
det_nsintensDetermination of the intensity for the Neyman Scott...
det_nsintens_restrDetermination of the intensity for the Neyman-Scott...
det_radiusDetermination of the nearest-neighbour distance which results...
det_thresholdCalculation of the threshold c, when having failure...
det_threshold_eval_arDetermination of necessary threshold to keep alpha in...
det_thresholdfromareaDetermination of alpha and the threshold c which results in a...
det_thresholdfromarea_restDetermination of alpha and the threshold c which results in a...
est_intensEstimates the intensity of the point pattern.
est_intens_spdeEstimates the intensity of the point pattern by using the...
est_intens_weightEstimates the intensity of the point pattern.
eval_hrzEvaluation of the high-risk zone.
eval_methodEvaluation of the procedures determining the high-risk zone.
highriskzone-packageDetermining high-risk zones by using spatial point process...
plot.bootcorrVisualize the bootstrap correction for a high-risk zone.
plot.highriskzonePlot a high-risk zone
plot.hrzevalVisualize the evaluation of a high-risk zone.
print.bootcorrPrint Brief Details of a bootstrap correction for a high-risk...
print.highriskzonePrint Brief Details of a high-risk zone
print.hrzevalPrint Brief Details of an evaluation of a high-risk zone
read_pppdataRead data, so it can be used for high-risk zone methodology.
sim_intensSimulation on given intensity
sim_nspppGeneration of a realisation of a Neyman-Scott process
sim_nsprocessSimulation of the Neyman-Scott process.
summary.bootcorrSummary of a the bootstrap correction for a high-risk zone
summary.highriskzoneSummary of a high-risk zone
summary.hrzevalSummary of a the evaluation of a high-risk zone
thinThinning of the observations (for evaluating the method)
highriskzone documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 3:01 p.m.