Man pages for hyperSpec
Work with Hyperspectral Data, i.e. Spectra + Meta Information (Spatial, Time, Concentration, ...)

aggregateaggregate hyperSpec objects
applyapply Computes summary statistics for the spectra of a...
ArithArithmetical Operators for hyperSpec objects
asdataframeConversion of a hyperSpec object into a data.frame or matrix...
barbituratesBarbiturates Spectra from .spc example files A time series of...
baselinesPolynomial Baseline Fitting These functions fit polynomal...
bindBinding hyperSpec Objects Two S3 functions 'cbind.hyperSpec'...
chk.hyValidation of hyperSpec objects
chondroRaman spectra of 2 Chondrocytes in Cartilage A Raman-map...
collapseCollapse hyperSpec objects
colSumscolSums, colMeans, rowSums and rowMeans functions for...
ComparisonComparison of hyperSpec objects
covCovariance matrices for hyperSpec objects
decompositionConvert Principal Component Decomposition or the like into a...
dimThe Number of Rows (Spectra), Columns, and Data Points per...
dimnamesDimnames for hyperSpec objects
dollarnamescommand line completion for $
emptyEmpty hyperSpec object
extractreplaceExtract and Replace parts of hyperSpec objects
fluQuinine Fluorescence Spectra Fluorescence spectra of...
hyperSpec-classClass "hyperSpec"
hyperSpec-packagePackage hyperSpec
initializeCreating a hyperSpec Object Like other S4 objects, a...
labelsGet and Set Labels of a hyperSpec Object 'value' may be a...
laserLaser Emission A time series of an unstable laser emission.
levelplotPlot a Map and Identify/Select Spectra in the Map 'levelplot'...
map-sel-polyInteractively select a polygon (grid graphics) and highlight...
mark.dendrogramMark groups in 'hclust' dendrograms
mathMath Functions for hyperSpec Objects
mean_sdMean and Standard Deviation Calculate mean and standard...
mergeMerge hyperSpec objects
normalize01normalization for mixed colors
optionsOptions for package hyperSpec Functions to access and set...
orderwlSorting the Wavelengths of a hyperSpec Object Rearranges the...
palettesMatlab-like Palettes Two palettes going from blue over green...
paracetamolParacetamol Spectrum A Raman spectrum of a paracetamol...
pearson.distDistance based on Pearson's R squared
plotPlotting hyperSpec Objects
plotcCalibration- and Timeseries Plots, Depth-Profiles and the...
plotmatPlot spectra matrix
plotspcPlotting Spectra Plot the spectra of a 'hyperSpec' object,...
qplotcSpectra plotting with ggplot2
qplotmapSpectra plotting with ggplot2
qplotmixPlot multivariate data into colour channels
qplotmixmapqplotmap with colour mixing for multivariate overlay
qplotspcSpectra plotting with ggplot2
quickdfQuick data frame. Experimental version of ''...
rbind-fillBind matrices by row, and fill missing columns with NA
readENVINicolet uses some more keywords in their header file. They...
read-iniRead INI files
read.jdxJCAMP-DX Import for Shimadzu Library Spectra
read.mat.CytospecImport for Cytospec mat files
read-spcImport for Thermo Galactic's spc file format These functions...
read-spc-Kaiserread Kaiser .spc files
read.txt.HoribaImport Horiba Labspec exported ASCII files
read.txt.ShimadzuReads Shimadzu GCxGC-qMS - Spectra Files (.txt) as exported...
rmmvnormMultivariate normal random numbers
sampleRandom Samples and Permutations Take a sample of the...
scaleCenter and scale hyperSpec object
scan.asc.AndorFile Import Andor Solis
scan-txt-Renishawimport Raman measurements from Renishaw ASCII-files import...
scan.txt.WitecFile Import Witec Raman
seqSequence generation along spectra or wavelengths This...
showConvert a hyerSpec object to character strings for Display...
spc-binWavelength Binning In order to reduce the spectral resolution...
spc-identifyIdentifying Spectra and Spectral Data Points This function...
spc-loessloess smoothing interpolation for spectra Spectra can be...
spc.NA.linapproxImpute missing data points
spc-rubberbandRubberband baseline correction
spc-splineSpectral smoothing by splines
splitSplit a hyperSpec object according to groups 'split' divides...
summaryThe functions
sweepSweep Summary Statistic out of an hyperSpec Object 'sweep'...
textioImport and Export of hyperSpec objects Besides 'save' and...
trellis.factor.keyColor coding legend for factors Modifies a list of lattice...
unittestshyperSpec unit tests If 'svUnit' is available, run the unit...
vanderMondeFunction evaluation on hyperSpec objects
wcwc word count of ASCII files
wlGetting and Setting the Wavelength Axis 'wl' returns the...
wl2iConversion between Wavelength and Spectra Matrix Column Index...
wl.evalEvaluate function on wavelengths of hyperSpec object
hyperSpec documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:45 p.m.