collapse: Collapse hyperSpec objects

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also Examples


collapse/bind several hyperSpec objects into one object


collapse(..., wl.tolerance = hy.getOption("wl.tolerance"))



hyperSpec objects to be collapsed into one object. Instead of giving several arguments, a list with all objects to be collapsed may be given.


tolerance to decide which wavelengths are considered equal.


The spectra from all objects will be put into one object. The resulting object has all wavelengths that occur in any of the input objects, wl.tolerance is used to determine which difference in the wavelengths is tolerated as equal. The returned object has wavelengths rounded according to the precision indicated by wl.tolerance.

Data points corresponding to wavelengths not in the original spectrum will be set to NA. Extra data is combined in the same manner.

If the objects are named, the names will be preserved in extra data column $.name.


a hyperSpec object


C. Beleites

See Also

merge to merge hyperSpec objects that share wavelengths but contain different spectra, rbind, and rbind.fill for


barbiturates [1:3]
barb <- collapse (barbiturates [1:3])

a <- barbiturates [[1]]
b <- barbiturates [[2]]
c <- barbiturates [[3]]

collapse (a, b, c)

Example output

Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: grid
Loading required package: ggplot2
Package hyperSpec, version 0.98-20161118

To get started, try
   vignette ("introduction", package = "hyperSpec")
   vignette (package = "hyperSpec")

If you use this package please cite it appropriately.
will give you the correct reference.

The project homepage is

hyperSpec object
   1 spectra
   3 data columns
   37 data points / spectrum
wavelength: frac(m, z)/frac(u, e) [numeric] 160.90 158.85 ... 27.05 
data:  (1 rows x 3 columns)
   1. z: t/min [numeric] 4.027184 
   2. z.end: t/min [numeric] 4.027184 
   3. spc: I/"a. u." [matrix37] 902 896 ... 562 

hyperSpec object
   1 spectra
   3 data columns
   34 data points / spectrum
wavelength: frac(m, z)/frac(u, e) [numeric] 158.85 140.90 ... 27.15 
data:  (1 rows x 3 columns)
   1. z: t/min [numeric] 4.034117 
   2. z.end: t/min [numeric] 4.034117 
   3. spc: I/"a. u." [matrix34] 857 864 ... 618 

hyperSpec object
   1 spectra
   3 data columns
   29 data points / spectrum
wavelength: frac(m, z)/frac(u, e) [numeric] 158.85 132.95 ... 27.05 
data:  (1 rows x 3 columns)
   1. z: t/min [numeric] 4.04095 
   2. z.end: t/min [numeric] 4.04095 
   3. spc: I/"a. u." [matrix29] 735 1412 ... 638 

hyperSpec object
   3 spectra
   3 data columns
   57 data points / spectrum
wavelength: frac(m, z)/frac(u, e) [numeric] 160.90 158.85 ... 43.95 
data:  (3 rows x 3 columns)
   1. z: t/min [numeric] 4.027184 4.034117 4.040950 
   2. z.end: t/min [numeric] 4.027184 4.034117 4.040950 
   3. spc: I/"a. u." [matrix57] 902 NA ... 1238 + NA
hyperSpec object
   1 spectra
   3 data columns
   37 data points / spectrum
wavelength: frac(m, z)/frac(u, e) [numeric] 160.90 158.85 ... 27.05 
data:  (1 rows x 3 columns)
   1. z: t/min [numeric] 4.027184 
   2. z.end: t/min [numeric] 4.027184 
   3. spc: I/"a. u." [matrix37] 902 896 ... 562 
hyperSpec object
   1 spectra
   3 data columns
   34 data points / spectrum
wavelength: frac(m, z)/frac(u, e) [numeric] 158.85 140.90 ... 27.15 
data:  (1 rows x 3 columns)
   1. z: t/min [numeric] 4.034117 
   2. z.end: t/min [numeric] 4.034117 
   3. spc: I/"a. u." [matrix34] 857 864 ... 618 
hyperSpec object
   1 spectra
   3 data columns
   29 data points / spectrum
wavelength: frac(m, z)/frac(u, e) [numeric] 158.85 132.95 ... 27.05 
data:  (1 rows x 3 columns)
   1. z: t/min [numeric] 4.04095 
   2. z.end: t/min [numeric] 4.04095 
   3. spc: I/"a. u." [matrix29] 735 1412 ... 638 
hyperSpec object
   3 spectra
   3 data columns
   57 data points / spectrum
wavelength: frac(m, z)/frac(u, e) [numeric] 160.90 158.85 ... 43.95 
data:  (3 rows x 3 columns)
   1. z: t/min [numeric] 4.027184 4.034117 4.040950 
   2. z.end: t/min [numeric] 4.027184 4.034117 4.040950 
   3. spc: I/"a. u." [matrix57] 902 NA ... 1238 + NA

hyperSpec documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:45 p.m.