Man pages for ipeglim
Imprecise Inferential Framework on Statistical Reasoning

a90logitMaximum Likelihood Parameter Estimation of Logistic...
cpefParameter estimation of Three-Parameter Exponential Family
cpef2regParameter Estimation of (Zero-Truncated) Poisson Regression...
cvCoefficient of Variation (CV)
cvxhSorting data points of convex hull in clockwiswe order
cwplotMarginal surface of contourplot and wireframe
dlgammaLog-Gamma Distribution
dztpoisZero-truncated Poisson distribution
eta1fnFunction for finding a root of eta1
ipeglim_deprecatedDeprecated function(s) in the ipeglim package
ipeglim-packageImprecise Probability Estimates for GLIM (IPEGLIM)
ipriorImprecise Prior Specification
modelDescribing Sampling Model for Imprecise Inferential Framework
pboxConstruction of Probability Box
plot.impreciseObject Visualization in Imprecise Inferential Framework
print.imprecisePrinting Imprecise Class Objects
qcLAQuality Control of Estimates
rvg4yxRandom variates generator for simulation studies
set.grid.impreciseGenerates Grid-Points in X-Y Coordinate System
simulateYX2Generating Random Variates for Simulation Studies with...
summary.a90logitObject summaries of logistic regression model for...
summary.impreciseSummarizing Imprecise Class Objcects
summary.ztprObject summaries for Zero-truncated Poisson and Negative...
update.impreciseUpdating Imprecise Prior
ztpregZero-truncated Poisson and Negative Binomial Regression...
ipeglim documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:31 p.m.