Man pages for mutoss
Unified multiple testing procedures

ABH_pi0_estLowest Slope Line (LSL) method of Hochberg and Benjamini for...
adaptiveBHBenjamini-Hochberg (2000) adaptive linear step-up procedure
adaptiveSTSStorey-Taylor-Siegmund (2004) adaptive step-up procedure
adjPValuesPlotA function plotting adjusted p-values...
aorcStep-up-down test based on the asymptotically optimal...
augmentationWrapper function to the augmentation methods of the multtest...
BHBenjamini-Hochberg (1995) linear step-up procedure
BLBenjamini-Liu (1999) step-down procedure
BlaRoqBlanchard-Roquain (2008) step-up Procedure for arbitrary...
bonferroniBonferroni correction...
BR_pi0_estEstimate of pi0 using the one-step Blanchard-Roquain...
BYBenjamini-Yekutieli (2001) step-up procedure
calculateBetaAdjustmentCalculating the beta adjustment factor for the asymptotically...
compareMutossFunctions for comparing outputs of different procedures.
ErrorControlClass ErrorControl
fisher22_fastFisher (2x2) table association analysis for calculating one...
fisher22.marginalFisher (2x2) table association analysis for calculating all...
fisher23_fastFisher-type (2x3) table association analysis for calculating...
fisher23.marginalFisher-type (2x3) table association analysis for calculating...
ftest.marginalMarginal F test
gaoXin Gao's non-parametric multiple test procedure is applied...
gatherParametersExtracts the parameters from the simulation()-Object
gatherStatisticsGathering statistics from simulation()-Object
hochbergHochberg (1988) step-up procedure
holmHolm's (1979) step-down-procedure
hommelHommel's (1988) step-up-procedure
indepBRBlanchard-Roquain (2009) 1-stage adaptive step-up
jointCDF.orderedUnifJoint cumulative distribution function of order statistics of...
linearStepUpLinear Step Up Service Function...
multcomp.wrapperSimultaneous confidence intervals for arbitrary parametric...
multiple.downBenjamini-Krieger-Yekutieli (2006) Multi-Stage Step-Down
multiple.down.adjustA service function used by multiple...
mu.test.classTest for compatible classes for comparison...
mu.test.nameTests if all hypotheses have the same names.
mu.test.ratesTests that different procedures used the same error rates.
mu.test.same.dataTests if the same pvalues were used by different procedures.
mu.test.typeTests that different procedures use the same error types.
MutossClass Mutoss
mutoss.applyApplies a function to a Mutoss object.
MutossMethodClass MutossMethod
mutoss.modelsMutoss Models
nottermanNotterman data set
nparcompSimultaneous confidence intervals for relative contrast...
nparcomp.wrapperSimultaneous confidence intervals for relative contrast...
onesamp.marginalMarginal one sample test
oracleBHBejamini-Hochberg (2000) oracle linear step-up Procedure...
paired.marginalMarginal paired two sample test
printRejectedInternal MuTossProjekt-Function
pval2locfdrStrimmer et al.'s fdrtool-based local fdr
pval2qvalStrimmer et al.'s fdrtool-based q-values
pValuesPlotA function plotting p-values...
QvalueStorey's (2001) q-value Procedure...
ranktruncatedRank truncated p-Value procedure...
regwqREGWQ - Ryan / Einot and Gabriel / Welsch test procedure...
requireLibraryTries to load a package.
romRom's (1990) step-up-procedure.
SDA general step-down procedure.
sidakSidak correction
SidakSDSidak-like (1987) step-down procedure
simulationSimulation studies
snkStudent - Newman - Keuls rejective test procedure.
storey_pi0_estStorey-Taylor-Siegmund estimation of pi0 (finite sample...
SUA general step-up procedure.
SUDA general step-up-down procedure.
TSBKY_pi0_estTwo-step estimation method of Benjamini, Krieger and...
tukey.wrapperTukey HSD test and simultaneous confidence intervals for all...
twosamp.marginalMarginal two sample test
two.stageA p-value procedure which controls the FDR for independent...
twostageBRBlanchard-Roquain (2009) 2-stage adaptive step-up...
mutoss documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:56 p.m.