
Defines functions nl.opts

Documented in nl.opts

##  n l . o p t s . R  Setting NLOPT options

nl.opts <-
function(optlist = NULL)
    opts <- list(stopval = -Inf,        # stop minimization at this value
                 xtol_rel = 1e-6,       # stop on small optimization step
                 maxeval = 1000,        # stop on this many function evaluations
                 ftol_rel = 0.0,        # stop on change times function value
                 ftol_abs = 0.0,        # stop on small change of function value
                 check_derivatives = FALSE,
                 algorithm = NULL       # will be filled by each single function

    if (is.null(optlist))

    if (!is.list(optlist) || "" %in% names(optlist))
        stop("Argument 'optlist' must be a list of named (character) objects.")

    namc <- match.arg(names(optlist), choices=names(opts), several.ok=TRUE)
    if (!all(names(optlist) %in% names(opts))) 
        warning("Unknown names in control: ", 
                names(optlist)[!(names(optlist) %in% names(opts))])

    if (!is.null(namc))
        opts[namc] <- optlist[namc]

    if ("algorithm" %in% namc) {
        warning("Option 'algorithm can not be set here; will be overwritten.")
        opts["algorithm"] <- NULL


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nloptwrap documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:45 p.m.