Man pages for poplab
Population Lab

age.profileCalculate age-specific population counts
assigndeathAssign death events
assigneventAssign incident disease or event
create.baseline.completeCreate a baseline population of related individuals
decide"Tailor" the simulated population to match the real...
draw.profilePlot gender-specific age-profile of the real and simulated...
fertilityAge-specific female fertility rates
givebirthCreate new individuals (births) in the population
incidence.femAge-specific incidence rates of disease (females)
incidence.maleAge-specific incidence rates of disease (males)
mortalityfemAge-specific mortality rates (females)
mortalitymaleAge-specific mortality rates (males)
plot.poplabPlot the age profile of a simulated population
populationfemAge-specific population counts (females)
populationmaleAge-specific population counts (males)
print.poplabSave to file a simulated population
readinRead-in a file from a specified folder and assign header...
retrieve.parentsSelect parents of individuals from the trimmed population who...
simpedSimulate the evolution of a population of related individuals...
simpop.RdataA simulated population
poplab documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:53 p.m.