
Defines functions plotworth

Documented in plotworth

plotworth <- function(
  main  = "Preferences",
  ylab  = "Estimate",
  psymb = NULL,
  pcol  = NULL,
  ylim  = range(worthmat),
  stop(paste(sep = "\n",
    "'plotworth' is defunct.",   # extended from .Defunct(new = "plotworth", package = "prefmod")
    "Use 'plot()' or 'plot.wmat()' instead.",
    "See help(\"Defunct\") and help(\"prefmod-defunct\")."
  ), call. = FALSE)
## plot ranking
## uses colorspace() as from 0.8-15
#  coeff<-unclass(worthmat)
#  objnames<-rownames(coeff)
#  grnames<-colnames(coeff)
#  # for proper spacing x-axis labels (labels are broken into lines at ":")
#  if(length(grep(":",grnames))){
#    gr.lines<-unlist(strsplit(grnames[1],":"))
#    ngrlin<-length(gr.lines)-0.5
#    grnames<-gsub(":","\n",grnames)
#  } else ngrlin <- 1
#  nobj<-dim(coeff)[1]
#  ngroups<-dim(coeff)[2]
#  if (ngroups == 1) colnames(coeff) <- ""
#  # plotsymbols and color
#  if (is.null(psymb)) psymb<-rep(16,nobj) #psymb<-c(15:18,21:25)[1:nobj]
#  if (is.null(pcol))
#       farbe <- rainbow_hcl(nobj)
#  else if (length(pcol)>1)
#       farbe <- pcol
#  else if(pcol=="black")
#       farbe <- "black"
#  else if(pcol %in% c("heat","terrain"))
#       farbe <- eval(call(paste(pcol,"_hcl",sep="",collapse=""), nobj))
#  else if(pcol=="gray")
#       farbe <- eval(call(paste(pcol,".colors",sep="",collapse=""), nobj))
#  else farbe <- rainbow_hcl(nobj)
#  #     gray(0:(nobj-1) /  nobj)
#  #  farbe<-rainbow(26, s = 1, v = 1, start = 0, end = 1, gamma = 1)
#  #  farbe <- brewer.pal(nclass = 26,  palette = "Spectral")
#  #  plot(0:25,rep(1,26),pch=0:25,col=farbe,cex=1.5)
#  #  text(0:25,rep(0.95,26),0:25)
#  #
#  ## plot
#  # specification of omi prohibits multiple plots if requested via, e.g., mfrow(c(m,n))
#  pomi <- c(0.2,0.2,0.5,0.2)
#  if (!(all(pomi==par("omi"))))        # if already set don't reset omi
#      par(omi = pomi, mar=c(3,4,0.1,0) ) # makes plot fill the whole region
#  plot(c(0.5,ngroups+0.5),c(min(coeff),max(coeff)),type="n",axes=FALSE, xlab="",ylab=ylab,ylim=ylim,...)
#  title(main,outer=TRUE)
#  box()
#  axis(2)
#  axis(1,at=1:ngroups,labels=grnames,mgp=c(3,ngrlin,0))
#  adj<-1/nchar(as.character(objnames))
#  adj<-strwidth(as.character(objnames))/2
#  d<-strwidth("d")                        # distance from point to label
#  adj<-adj+d
#  for (i in 1:ngroups) {
#    pm<-rep(c(1,-1),nobj)
#    pm<-pm[1:nobj]                 # plus/minus orientation of point labels
#    o<-order(coeff[1:nobj,i])
#    sadj<-adj[o]
#    sobjnames<-objnames[o]         # sorted obj names
#    spsymb<-psymb[o]               # sorted plotsymbols
#    sfarbe<-farbe[o]               # sorted colors
#    scoeff<-sort(coeff[,i])        # sorted estimates
#    x<-rep(i,nobj)
#    #plot(x,scoeff,type="o")
#    xy <- xy.coords(x, scoeff)
#    lines(c(i,i), range(scoeff), ...)#col = "gray", ...)#lty = "dotted")
#    points(xy, pch=spsymb, cex=1.5, col=sfarbe)
#    text(x+sadj*pm,scoeff,sobjnames)
#  }

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prefmod documentation built on June 11, 2022, 3 p.m.