
Defines functions FindTreesCHM

Documented in FindTreesCHM

#'Individual tree detection whitin the LiDAR-derived Canopy Height Model (CHM) 
#'@description Detects and computes the location and height of individual trees within the LiDAR-derived Canopy Height Model (CHM). The algorithm implemented in this function is local maximum with a fixed window size. 
#'@usage FindTreesCHM(chm,fws,minht)
#'@param chm A LiDAR-derived Canopy Height Model (CHM) raster  file.
#'@param fws A single dimension (in raster grid cell units) of fixed square window size, e.g. 3, 5, 7 and so on. Default is 5. 
#'@param minht Height threshold. Detect individual trees above specified height threshold, e.g. 1.37, 2.0, 3.5 m and so on. Default is 1.37 m.
#'@return Returns A matrix with four columns (tree id, xy coordinates, and height).
#'@author Carlos Alberto Silva
#'# Importing the LiDAR-derived CHM raster file
#'data(chm) # or set a CHM. e.g. chm<-raster("CHM_stand.asc") 
#'# Smoothing CHM
#'schm<-CHMsmoothing(chm, "mean", 5)
#'# Setting the fws:
#'fws<-5 # dimention 5x5
#'# Setting the specified height above ground for detectionbreak
#'# Getting the individual tree detection list
#'treeList<-FindTreesCHM(schm, fws, minht)
#'# Plotting the individual tree location on the CHM
#'plot(chm, main="LiDAR-derived CHM")
#'XY<-SpatialPoints(treeList[,1:2]) # Spatial points
#'plot(XY, add=TRUE, col="red")        # plotthing tree location
#'@importFrom raster raster focal xyFromCell Which crs
#'@importFrom sp SpatialPoints over SpatialGridDataFrame
FindTreesCHM<-function(chm, fws=5,minht=1.37) {
  if (class(chm)[1]!='RasterLayer') {chm<-raster(chm)}
  if (class(fws)!="numeric") {stop("The fws parameter is invalid. It is not a numeric input")}
  if (class(minht)!="numeric") {stop("The minht parameter is invalid. It is not a numeric input")}
  chm[chm < minht]<-NA
  f <- function(chm) max(chm)
  rlocalmax <- raster::focal(chm, fun=f, w=w, pad=TRUE, padValue=NA)
  setNull<- chm==rlocalmax
  XYmax <- sp::SpatialPoints(raster::xyFromCell(setNull, raster::Which(setNull ==1, cells = TRUE)), proj4string = raster::crs(chm))
  htExtract<-sp::over(XYmax,methods::as(chm, "SpatialGridDataFrame"))

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rLiDAR documentation built on Oct. 5, 2021, 3 a.m.