
root1d <- function(f, interval,
                   tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, maxiter = 1000, trace=FALSE, ...) {
# JN 180828: Need to check if get f(x) == 0 as in Normal example

  if (trace) cat('alg18 == root1d -- root of a function of one variable - Updated 2018 for R\n')
  ubound <- interval[2]
  lbound <- interval[1]
  #  notcomp := FALSE; -- use try()
  nbis <- 5 # Bisect at least every 5 (This could be an argument, but ...)
  fup <- f(ubound,...)
  fup0<-fup # save it
  #  if notcomp then halt;
  flow <- f(lbound,...)
  flow0<-flow # save it
  ifn <- 2 # Automatically compute function twice
  #  if notcomp then halt;

  OKfp <- TRUE # initialize
  if (sign(fup)*sign(flow) > 0) {
    noroot  <-  TRUE
  } else { noroot  <-  FALSE }
  lastwidth <- (ubound - lbound) # Modification 2018 -- ensure width of interval decreasing
  while ( (! noroot) && ((ubound-lbound)>tol) && (ifn < maxiter)) {
    if (trace) cat("f(",lbound,")=",flow,"  f(",ubound,")=",fup,"  interval=",ubound-lbound,"  ",op,"\n")
#    cat("Width reduced: ", (ubound - lbound  >= lastwidth - tol))
    if ( (( (nbis * ((ifn - 2) %/% nbis) == (ifn - 2)) ) && (ifn > 2)) || (ubound - lbound  >= lastwidth - tol) ){
#     if (trace) cat('Bisect  \n')
      b  <-  lbound + 0.5*(ubound - lbound)
    } else {
      # if (trace) cat('False position \n')
      ## 180820 JN: May give trouble if magnitudes wild
      b  <-  (lbound*fup-ubound*flow)/(fup-flow)
    #  cat("b =",b,"  lbound=",lbound,"  ubound=",ubound,"\n")
    ## Edited by Oliver Dechant July 30th, 2018
    ## 180820 Temporarily comment out. Do these stmts work for scalars?
    #  b[is.na(b)] <- 0
    #  lbound[is.na(lbound)] <- 0
    ## END of edits
    if (b <= lbound) {  
          b  <-  lbound 
          fb <- flow
          op <- "Fail-FP-low"
          # Could force convergence, but better to bisect
    } else { if (b >= ubound) {
               b <- ubound 
               fb <- fup
               op <- "Fail-FP-hi"

    if (OKfp) {
      ifn  <-  ifn+1
      fb  <-  f(b, ...)
      #  if notcomp then halt; ## not implemented yet (would need try())
      if (trace) cat(ifn,' evalns: f(',b,')=',fb,"\n")
    if (trace) cat('  width interval= ',(ubound-lbound),"\n")
    if ( (ubound-lbound)>tol ){
      if (sign(fb)*sign(flow) < 0.0) {
        fup  <-  fb
        ubound  <-  b
      } else {
        flow  <-  fb
        lbound  <-  b
      lastwidth <- ubound - lbound
  } # end while
  if (noroot) { 
    b<-NA # We did not find a root
  } # end while loop
  if (trace)   cat('Terminated at f(',b,')=',fb,"\n")
  if (trace)   cat('  Final interval width =',ubound-lbound,"\n")
  if (! is.na(fb) && (abs(fb) > 0.5*max(abs(fup0), abs(flow0)))) {
    msg<-"Final function magnitude > 0.5 * max(abs(f(lbound)), abs(f(ubound)))"
    if (trace) cat(msg,"\n")
  res<-list(root=b, froot=fb, rtol=(ubound-lbound), fcount=ifn)

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rootoned documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:48 p.m.