
#' Single-case example data
#' The \code{scan} package comes with a set of fictitious and authentic
#' single-case study data, by courtesy of the particular authors.
#' @aliases 
#' Beretvas2008 
#' Borckardt2014 
#' Huitema2000 
#' Waddell2011
#' byHeart2011 
#' Grosche2011 
#' Grosche2014 
#' GruenkeWilbert2014 
#' Huber2014
#' example_A24
#' exampleAB_simple 
#' exampleAB 
#' exampleAB_add 
#' exampleAB_decreasing
#' exampleABC 
#' exampleABC_outlier 
#' exampleABC_50
#' exampleABAB 
#' exampleA1B1A2B2 
#' exampleA1B1A2B2_zvt
#' exampleAB_50 
#' exampleAB_50.l2 
#' exampleABC_150
#' Huber2014
#' Lenz2013
#' Leidig2018
#' Leidig2018_l2
#' SSDforR2017
#' Parker2011
#' @return
#' \item{Beretvas2008}{Fictitious single-case intervention study.
#' \bold{Reference:} Beretvas, S., & Chung, H. (2008). An evaluation of
#' modified R2-change effect size indices for single-subject experimental
#' designs. \emph{Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 2},
#' 120-128.} 
#' \item{Borckardt2014}{Fictitious daily pain ratings evaluating a
#' psychological treatment. \bold{Reference:} Borckardt, J. J., & Nash, M. R.
#' (2014). Simulation modelling analysis for small sets of single-subject data
#' collected over time. \emph{Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 24}, 492-506.}
#' \item{Huitema2000}{Fictitious single-case intervention study.
#' \bold{Reference:} Huitema, B. E., & McKean, J. W. (2000). Design
#' specification issues in time-series intervention models. \emph{Educational
#' and Psychological Measurement, 60}, 38-58.} 
#' \item{Waddell2011}{Fictitious
#' single-case intervention study. \bold{Reference:} Waddell, D. E., Nassar, S.
#' L., & Gustafson, S. A. (2011). Single-Case Design in Psychophysiological
#' Research: Part II: Statistical Analytic Approaches. \emph{Journal of
#' Neurotherapy, 15}, 160-169.} 
#' \item{byHeart2011}{Multiple-baseline (11 cases)
#' intervention study on flash card vocabulary learning by Juergen Wilbert.}
#' \item{Grosche2011}{Multiple-baseline (3 cases) intervention study on a
#' direct-instructive reading intervention. \bold{Reference:} Grosche, M.
#' (2011). Effekte einer direkt-instruktiven Foerderung der Lesegenauigkeit.
#' \emph{Empirische Sonderpaedagogik, 3}, 147-161.}
#' \item{Grosche2014}{Multiple-baseline (3 cases x 3 materials) intervention
#' study on a reading intervention. \bold{Reference:} Grosche, M., Lueke, T., &
#' Wilbert, J. (in prep.).} 
#' \item{GruenkeWilbert2014}{Multiple-baseline (6
#' cases) intervention study on story mapping. \bold{Reference:} Gruenke, M.,
#' Wilbert, J., & Stegemann-Calder, K. (2013). Analyzing the effects of story
#' mapping on the reading comprehension of children with low intellectual
#' abilities. \emph{Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, 11}, 51-64.}
#' \item{Huber2014}{Multiple-baseline (4 cases) intervention study on
#' behavioral compliance. Scores refer to compliant behavior in percent.
#' \bold{Reference:} Huber, C. (in prep.).}
#' \item{Lenz2013}{Fictious example from the paper Lenz, A. S. (2013). Calculating Effect Size in Single-Case Research: A Comparison of Nonoverlap Methods. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 46(1), 64–73.}
#' \item{Leidig2018}{}
#' \item{Leidig2018_l2}{}
#' \item{SSDforR2017}{Example from the R package SSDforR.}
#' \item{Parker2011}{Example from Parker, R. I., Vannest, K. J., Davis, J. L., & Sauber, S. B. (2011). Combining Nonoverlap and Trend for Single-Case Research: Tau-U. Behavior Therapy, 42(2), 284–299. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beth.2010.08.006}
#' @author Juergen Wilbert

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scan documentation built on Feb. 12, 2021, 3:01 a.m.