Man pages for sglOptim
Sparse group lasso generic optimizer

coef.sglExtracting the nonzero coefficients
compute_errorHelper function for computing error rates
create.sgldataCreate a sgldata object
ErrGeneric function for computing error rates
featuresGeneric function for extracting nonzero features (or groups)
features.sglExtracting nonzero features
modelsGeneric function for extracting the fitted models
models.sglReturns the estimated models (that is the beta matrices)
nmodGeneric function for counting the number of models
nmod.sglReturns the number of models in a sgl object
parametersGeneric function for extracting nonzero parameters
parameters.sglExtracting nonzero parameters
prepare.argsGeneric function for preparing the sgl call arguments
prepare.args.sgldataPrepare sgl function arguments
print_with_metric_prefixPrint a numeric with metric prefix
rearrangeGeneric rearrange function
rearrange.sgldataRearrange sgldata
sgl.algorithm.configCreate a new algorithm configuration
sgl_cvGeneric sparse group lasso cross validation using multiple...
sgl_fitFit a sparse group lasso regularization path.
sgl_lambda_sequenceGeneric routine for computing a lambda sequence for the...
sgl_predictSgl predict
sgl_printPrint information about sgl object
sgl.standard.configStandard algorithm configuration
sgl_subsamplingGeneric sparse group lasso subsampling procedure
test.dataSimulated data set
sglOptim documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:55 p.m.