Man pages for soil.spec
Soil Spectroscopy Tools and Reference Models

afspecSample soil spectroscopy data from Africa Sentinel Sites
afssAfrica Sentinel Site data (wet chemistry)
fit.SpectraModelFits a calibration model for soil spectroscopy
ken.stoSample selection based on the Kennard-Stone algorithm
plot.SpectraPlots spectral signatures
predict.SpectraPointsPredict soil properties from an object of class...
read.opusReads binary OPUS files containing spectroscopy
read.spcReads spectral spc-files into R
spec.envSoil.spec package specific environmental variables
spectra.outliersA tool for screening spectral outliers based on...
SpectraPointsA class for spectral absorbance measurements
transSpectral transformation
wavenumbersStandard bands
soil.spec documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:08 p.m.