Man pages for stops
Structure Optimized Proximity Scaling

BankingCrisesDistancesBanking Crises Distances
c_associationc-association calculates the c-association based on the...
c_clusterednessc-clusteredness calculates c-clusteredness as the OPTICS...
c_complexityc-complexity Calculates the c-complexity based on the minimum...
c_dependencec-dependence calculates c-dependence as the aggregated...
c_faithfulnessc-faithfulness calculates the c-faithfulness based on the...
c_functionalityc-functionality calculates the c-functionality based on the...
c_hierarchyc-hierarchy captures how well a partition/ultrametric...
c_inequalityc-inequality Calculates c-inequality (as in an economic...
c_linearityc-linearity calculates c-linearity as the aggregated multiple...
c_manifoldnessc-manifoldness calculates c-manifoldness as the aggregated...
c_minewrapper for getting the mine coefficients
c_nonmonotonicityc-nonmonotonicity calculates the c-nonmonotonicity based on...
c_regularityc-regularity calculates c-regularity as 1 - OPTICS cordillera...
knn_distcalculate k nearest neighbours from a distance matrix
ljoptim(Adaptive) Version of Luus-Jaakola Optimization
Pendigits500Pen digits
plot.stopsS3 plot method for stops objects
stop_apstressSTOPS version of approximated power stress models.
stop_cmdscaleSTOPS version of strain
stop_elasticSTOPS versions of elastic scaling models (via smacofSym)
stop_isomap1STOPS version of isomap to optimize over integer k.
stop_isomap2STOPS version of isomap over real epsilon.
stop_lmdsSTOPS version of lMDS
stoplossCalculate the weighted multiobjective loss function used in...
stop_powerelasticSTOPS version of elastic scaling with powers for proximities...
stop_powermdsSTOPS version of powermds
stop_powersammonSTOPS version of sammon with powers
stop_powerstressSTOPS version of powerstress
stop_rpowerstressSTOPS version of restricted powerstress
stop_rstressSTOPS version of rstress
stopsHigh Level STOPS Function
stop_sammonSTOPS version of Sammon mapping
stop_sammon2Another STOPS version of Sammon mapping models (via...
stop_smacofSphereSTOPS versions of smacofSphere models
stop_smacofSymSTOPS version of smacofSym models
stop_sstressSTOPS version of sstress
SwissrollSwiss roll
tgpoptimBayesian Optimization by a (treed) Bayesian Gaussian Process...
stops documentation built on Aug. 1, 2024, 3:01 p.m.