c_mine: wrapper for getting the mine coefficients

View source: R/structurednessindices.R

c_mineR Documentation

wrapper for getting the mine coefficients


wrapper for getting the mine coefficients


c_mine(confs, master = NULL, alpha = 0.6, C = 15, var.thr = 1e-05, zeta = NULL)



a numeric matrix or data frame with two columns


the master column


an optional number of cells allowed in the X-by-Y search-grid. Default value is 0.6


an optional number determining the starting point of the X-by-Y search-grid. When trying to partition the x-axis into X columns, the algorithm will start with at most C X clumps. Default value is 15.


minimum value allowed for the variance of the input variables, since mine can not be computed in case of variance close to 0. Default value is 1e-5.


integer in [0,1] (?). If NULL (default) it is set to 1-MIC. It can be set to zero for noiseless functions, but the default choice is the most appropriate parametrization for general cases (as stated in Reshef et al. SOM; they call it epsilon in the paper). It provides robustness.

stops documentation built on Aug. 1, 2024, 3:01 p.m.