opts_chunk$set(out.extra='style="display:block; margin: auto"'
    #, fig.align="center"
    , fig.width=4.3, fig.height=3.2, dev.args=list(pointsize=10)
knit_hooks$set(spar = function(before, options, envir) {
    if (before){
        par( las=1 )                   #also y axis labels horizontal
        par(mar=c(2.0,3.3,0,0)+0.3 )  #margins
        par(tck=0.02 )                          #axe-tick length inside plots             
        par(mgp=c(1.1,0.2,0) )  #positioning of axis title, axis labels, axis

Sampling observation uncertainty

This vignette details the sampling parameters, when observation uncertainty is unknown and needs to be estimated from the fit. The statistical background is described in Gelman et al., 2003, p.51: "Estimating variance of a Gaussian distribution with known mean". Here, just the model-data residual need to be provided to the block-update function updateSigmaByGibbsSamplingInvchisq, which does all that is required.

The model and the data are the same as in the basic example (see vignette), unless here we assume observation uncertainty is unknown and that is constant across all observations.

set.seed(0815)      # for reproducible results

Preparing the log-Density function

For simplicity, here, we do not regard parameter priors, but just report the log-Likelihood of observations, given the the model parameters. For formula is derived from assuming Gaussian distribution of observation errors. It returns only one value for this observation data stream. The third parameter is the logarithm of the estimated variance of the Gaussian observational errors.

denSigmaEx1Obs <- function(
    theta                ##<< named numeric vector a,b,logSigma2
    ,twLinreg=twLinreg1  ##<< list with components fModel, xval, and obs 
    pred <- twLinreg$fModel(theta[1:2],twLinreg$xval)
    resid <- pred - twLinreg$obs
    varObs <- exp(theta["logSigma2"])
    structure(-1/2 * sum(resid^2)/varObs, names="obs")          

Since there are no other unspecified arguments besides the parameters, the list of logDensity functions is straightforward. Note, that it also depends on the variance parameter. The default value to argument twLinreg is specified too, so that it works also in a parallel execution without explicitly loading the data set in each remote process.

        dObs=list(fLogDen=denSigmaEx1Obs, argsFLogDen=list(twLinreg=twLinreg1), compPosDen=c("a","b","logSigma2"))

Preparing the block update descriptions

In addition to the first block of parameters of linear regression coefficients (parameters a and b), we have an additional parameter block consisting of the observation variance sigma.

The first block for the regression parameters uses the Metropolis update rule. Hence its information on parameter blocks blocks in twDEMCBlockInt just needs to reference the used logDensity function in dInfos. Note, however that only two of the three parameters of the logDensity function are updated.

    bObs=list(compPos=c("a","b"), dInfoPos="dObs" )

For the second block a direct Gibbs type sampling from an Inverse Chi-Square distribution is used. Hence, here a block-update function fUpdateBlock = function(xC, argsFUpdateBlock,...) different from the default Metropolis update is specified. The function updateSigmaByGibbsSamplingInvchisq is already provided by this package. Only some further arguments are required. In the case of no prior information the only further argument is a function that calculates model-data residuals for given parameter values.

fResidDummyModel <- function(theta, twLinreg=twLinreg1){
    pred <- twLinreg$fModel(theta,twLinreg$xval)
    resid <- pred - twLinreg$obs

Eventually, the second entry in the blocks list reads:

    bSigma=list( compPos=c("logSigma2"), fUpdateBlock=updateSigmaByGibbsSamplingInvchisq,
              argsFUpdate=list(fResid=fResidDummyModel, twLinreg=twLinreg1))

Sampling the posterior

The estimation of target temperature in simulated annealing can not be used here, because it depends on known variance of the observations. Instead, the starting and end target temperatures are prescribed.

logSigma2 <- log( mean(twLinreg1$sdObs^2) )     # expected sigma2
varLogSigma2=0.8*logSigma2                      # variance for initialization

resBlock <- twDEMCSA( 
        bObs=list(compPos=c("a","b"), dInfoPos="dObs" ),
        bSigma=list( compPos=c("logSigma2"), fUpdateBlock=updateSigmaByGibbsSamplingInvchisq,
                argsFUpdate=list(fResid=fResidDummyModel, twLinreg=twLinreg1))
    ctrlT=list(TBaseInit=1, TEndFixed=1)
plot( as.mcmc.list(resBlock), smooth=FALSE )

After an initial burnin period, the estimate of the variance quickly converges.

Better performance by reusing information across blocks

Note that the forward model twLinreg$fModel is called from both blocks: in the likelihood-function denSigmaEx1Obs and in the residual function fResidDummyModel. Often, running the forward model is computationally expensive, so it would be wise to save unnecessary runs. The forward runs from block bObs should be reused in block bSigma. And after updating the variance, the result from bSigma should be reused in the other block when recalculating the likelihood of the regression parameters.

The package provides a way of transferring intermediate results that are common across several blocks. Density function denSigmaEx1Obs can communicate the results of its forward runs by attaching an attribute intermediate to its result. This will then be provided to other block functions as argument intermediate. If several blocks share an intermediate result, care must be taken, that the intermediate is updated, each time when parameters for the forward run have changed. E.g., the Metropolis update function will provide a NULL intermediate to the density function when calling it with a new set of parameters.

The updated log-Density function of the parameters and the updated residual function then reads:

denSigmaEx1ObsIntermediate <- function(
        ### unnormalized log density for observations for given parameters
        theta                ##<< named numeric vector a,b,logSigma2
        ,intermediate = list()  
        ,twLinreg=twLinreg1  ##<< list with components xval and obs 
    # the predictions by the forward model are an intermediate retuls that can be reused
    if( !length(intermediate) ){
        intermediate <- twLinreg$fModel(theta,twLinreg$xval)
    pred <- intermediate
    resid <- pred - twLinreg$obs
    varObs <- exp(theta[3])
    structure(-1/2 * sum(resid^2)/varObs, names="obs", intermediate=intermediate) 

fResidDummyModelIntermediate <- function(theta, intermediate=list(), twLinreg){
    if( !length(intermediate) ){
        intermediate <- twLinreg$fModel(theta,twLinreg$xval)
    pred <- intermediate
    resid <- structure(pred - twLinreg$obs, intermediate=intermediate)

Note the additional function argument intermediate, and the attachment as an attribute to the result of the function. In order to tell twDEMCSA which intermediates need to be exchanged, specify the same entry intermediateId in the corresponding blocks descriptions.

resBlock <- twDEMCSA( 
        bObs=list(compPos=c("a","b"), dInfoPos="dObs", 
        bSigma=list(compPos=c("logSigma2"), fUpdateBlock=updateSigmaByGibbsSamplingInvchisq,
            argsFUpdate=list(fResid=fResidDummyModelIntermediate, twLinreg=twLinreg1), 
    ctrlT=list(TBaseInit=1, TEndFixed=1),
plot( as.mcmc.list(resBlock), smooth=FALSE )

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twDEMC documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:38 p.m.