urt.xtable-methods: Methods for Function urt.xtable in Package 'uroot'

Description Methods See Also


Methods for function urt.xtable in package uroot


x = "adfstat".

Convert the output of the ADF.test into an xtable object, which can be printed as a LaTeX or HTML table.

x = "kpssstat".

Convert the output of the KPSS.test into an xtable object, which can be printed as a LaTeX or HTML table. A range of lag truncation parameters are considered, three lags of order lower than that in the kpssstat object and three higher than that.

x = "hegystat".

Convert the output of the HEGY.test into an xtable object, which can be printed as a LaTeX or HTML table.

x = "chstat".

Convert the output of the CH.test into an xtable object, which can be printed as a LaTeX or HTML table.

See Also

xtable, ADF.test, KPSS.test, HEGY.test, and CH.test.

uroot documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:49 p.m.