Man pages for vGWAS
Variance Heterogeneity Genome-Wide Association Study

brown.forsythe.testBrown-Forsythe's Test of Equality of Variances
chrChromosome Indices for The Markers of The Simulated Data
genoThe Marker Genotypes of The Simulated Data
mapMap Positions for The Markers of The Simulated Data
phenoPhenotypic Values for The Markers of The Simulated Data
plot.vGWASVariance GWA Manhattan Plot
summary.vGWASVariance GWA Summary
vGWASVariance Genome-wide Association
vGWAS.gcGenomic Control for vGWAS
vGWAS-packageVariance Heterogeneity Genome-wide Association Study
vGWAS.varianceCalculating Variance Explained by A Single Marker
vGWAS documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:48 p.m.