Description Details Author(s) References See Also Examples
Vector Symbolic Architectures (VSAs) are ways of representing complex concepts in distributed representations using associative memory techniques. These representations can be used models for cognitive science and artificial intelligence. This package contains data structures and functions for implementing VSA schemes. It currently provides an implementation of one VSA scheme: "Holographic Reduced Representations".
VSAs involve two broad classes of objects:
Objects for representing entities, roles, fillers, relationships, etc. These are all represented as uniformly-sized one-dimensional arrays (vectors). The documentation refers to these as "VSA objects" or "VSA vectors."
Objects that contain collections of VSA vectors. These are called VSA memories. The one type of VSA memory implemented here is a list of VSA vectors. The principal functionality provided by a VSA memory is returning the closest, or k closest matches to a probe vector.
VSA vectors can be of different types or classes. The vsa
package currently provides an implementation of real-valued
"Holographic Reduced Representations" (HRR) vectors. Other possible
types include binary vectors, frequency-domain HRRs, and more.
The code here uses classes and methods. This allows different VSA
schemes to provide methods for common operations. For example, if
and Y
are VSA objects (vectors), then X * Y
will call an appropriate binding method (product), while X + Y
will call an appropriate superposition method (addition). However,
3 * X
will scale X
by a factor of three.
There are several groups of functions for working with VSAs:
functions for creating and printing VSA vectors.
binding, unbinding, superposition, and scaling functions
functions for computing the similarity of two VSA vectors.
functions for creating VSA memories, and finding closest matches.
Tony Plate
Tony Plate (2003) "Holographic Reduced Representations", CSLI Lecture Notes Number 150, CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA, ISBN 1575864304.
, vsa.funcs
, vsa.mem
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 | # Set the random seed
# Generate some HRRs (default is 1024 elements)
a <- newVec()
b <- newVec()
c <- newVec()
d <- newVec()
e <- newVec()
f <- newVec()
# Store these in a memory
mem <- vsamem(a, b, c, d, e, f)
# Find the 3 best matchs in the memory for the vector 'a' (using cosine score)
bestmatch(mem, a, n=3)
# Convolution of 'a' and 'b', prints length, magnitude & cosine with the identity vector
a * b
# Create 'x' as the superposition of 'c' with the binding of 'a' and 'b'
x <- a * b + c
# Find the 3 best matches for x in the memory (expect to see 'c' as the best match)
bestmatch(mem, x, n=3)
# Find what's bound to 'a' in 'x' (!a is the approximate inverse of x, synonym x / a)
bestmatch(mem, x * !a, n=3)
# Find what's bound to 'b' in 'x' (!a is the approximate inverse of x, synonym x / a)
bestmatch(mem, x * !b, n=3)
# Be careful with operator precedence: !a * x parses as !(a * x), not as (!a) * x
bestmatch(mem, !a * x, n=3)
bestmatch(mem, (!a) * x, n=3)
rm(a, b, c, d, e, f, x, mem)
# This code reproduces the experiments described
# in Chapter 6 of the book "Holographic Reduced
# Representations" (the geometric shapes example).
# It reproduces the results in Table 16 on p179 of
# that book. (Note that results in the table vary
# by the random seed used, but the results generated
# here should usually be with in ranges in the
# square brackets.)
# weights for different components of HRRs
w_rpl <- 1 # relation-predicate label
w_rpb <- 1 # relation-predicate binding
w_cow <- 1 # object weight in chunk
w_cpw <- 1 # relation-predicate weight in chunk
# Experiment from Markman, Gentner, & Wisniewski, draft
# Stimuli from Figure 2, discussed p12
horizontal <- newVec()
leftR <- newVec()
rightR <- newVec()
vertical <- newVec()
aboveR <- newVec()
belowR <- newVec()
circle <- newVec()
square <- newVec()
triangle <- newVec()
star <- newVec()
small <- newVec()
large <- newVec()
large_circle <- addnorm(circle, large)
large_square <- addnorm(square, large)
large_triangle <- addnorm(triangle, large)
large_star <- addnorm(star, large)
small_circle <- addnorm(circle, small)
small_square <- addnorm(square, small)
small_triangle <- addnorm(triangle, small)
small_star <- addnorm(star, small)
# lcalq : large circle above large square
lcalq_rf <- w_rpb * aboveR * large_circle + w_rpb * belowR * large_square
lcalq <- addnorm(w_rpl * vertical,
w_cow * addnorm(large_circle, large_square),
w_cpw * lcalq_rf)
# lcalt : large circle above large triangle
lcalt_rf <- w_rpb * aboveR * large_circle + w_rpb * belowR * large_triangle
lcalt <- addnorm(w_rpl * vertical,
w_cow * addnorm(large_circle, large_triangle),
w_cpw * lcalt_rf)
# lcnlt : large circle nextto large triangle
lcnlt_rf <- w_rpb * leftR * large_circle + w_rpb * rightR * large_triangle
lcnlt <- addnorm(w_rpl * horizontal,
w_cow * addnorm(large_circle, large_triangle),
w_cpw * lcnlt_rf)
# lqalc : large square above large circle
lqalc_rf <- w_rpb * aboveR * large_square + w_rpb * belowR * large_circle
lqalc <- addnorm(w_rpl * vertical,
w_cow * addnorm(large_square, large_circle),
w_cpw * lqalc_rf)
# lqnls : large square nextto large star
lqnls_rf <- w_rpb * leftR * large_square + w_rpb * rightR * large_star
lqnls <- addnorm(w_rpl * horizontal,
w_cow * addnorm(large_square, large_star),
w_cpw * lqnls_rf)
# lsalq : large star above large square
lsalq_rf <- w_rpb * aboveR * large_star + w_rpb * belowR * large_square
lsalq <- addnorm(w_rpl * vertical,
w_cow * addnorm(large_star, large_square),
w_cpw * lsalq_rf)
# lsalt : large star above large triangle
lsalt_rf <- w_rpb * aboveR * large_star + w_rpb * belowR * large_triangle
lsalt <- addnorm(w_rpl * vertical,
w_cow * addnorm(large_star, large_triangle),
w_cpw * lsalt_rf)
# lsasq : large star above small square
lsasq_rf <- w_rpb * aboveR * large_star + w_rpb * belowR * small_square
lsasq <- addnorm(w_rpl * vertical,
w_cow * addnorm(large_star, small_square),
w_cpw * lsasq_rf)
# lsnlq : large star nextto large square
lsnlq_rf <- w_rpb * leftR * large_star + w_rpb * rightR * large_square
lsnlq <- addnorm(w_rpl * horizontal,
w_cow * addnorm(large_star, large_square),
w_cpw * lsnlq_rf)
# ltalc : large triangle above large circle
ltalc_rf <- w_rpb * aboveR * large_triangle + w_rpb * belowR * large_circle
ltalc <- addnorm(w_rpl * vertical,
w_cow * addnorm(large_triangle, large_circle),
w_cpw * ltalc_rf)
# ltals : large triangle above large star
ltals_rf <- w_rpb * aboveR * large_triangle + w_rpb * belowR * large_star
ltals <- addnorm(w_rpl * vertical,
w_cow * addnorm(large_triangle, large_star),
w_cpw * ltals_rf)
# ltasc : large triangle above small circle
ltasc_rf <- w_rpb * aboveR * large_triangle + w_rpb * belowR * small_circle
ltasc <- addnorm(w_rpl * vertical,
w_cow * addnorm(large_triangle, small_circle),
w_cpw * ltasc_rf)
# ltnlc : large triangle nextto large circle
ltnlc_rf <- w_rpb * leftR * large_triangle + w_rpb * rightR * large_circle
ltnlc <- addnorm(w_rpl * horizontal,
w_cow * addnorm(large_triangle, large_circle),
w_cpw * ltnlc_rf)
# ssalq : small star above large square
ssalq_rf <- w_rpb * aboveR * small_star + w_rpb * belowR * large_square
ssalq <- addnorm(w_rpl * vertical,
w_cow * addnorm(small_star, large_square),
w_cpw * ssalq_rf)
# stalc : small triangle above large circle
stalc_rf <- w_rpb * aboveR * small_triangle + w_rpb * belowR * large_circle
stalc <- addnorm(w_rpl * vertical,
w_cow * addnorm(small_triangle, large_circle),
w_cpw * stalc_rf)
relMem <- vsamem(vertical, horizontal)
roleMem <- vsamem(leftR, rightR, aboveR, belowR)
sizeMem <- vsamem(small, large)
shapeMem <- vsamem(circle, square, triangle, star,
large_circle, large_square, large_triangle, large_star,
small_circle, small_square, small_triangle, small_star)
arrMem <- vsamem(ltnlc, lqnls, lcalt, lcnlt, lsalq, lsnlq,
ltalc, lqalc, lcalq, ltals, lsalt, stalc,
ltasc, ssalq, lsasq)
makeTable16 <- function() {
x <- ltalc
cat("Comparing with ltalc", "\n")
C1A <- x %.% ltnlc
C1B <- x %.% lqnls
cat("1 ltnlc: ", format(C1A, wid=5),
" lqnls: ", format(C1B, wid=5), "\n")
C2aA <- x %.% lcalt
C2aB <- x %.% lcnlt
cat("2a lcalt: ", format(C2aA, wid=5),
" lcnlt: ", format(C2aB, wid=5), "\n")
C2bA <- x %.% lsalq
C2bB <- x %.% lsnlq
cat("2b lsalq: ", format(C2bA, wid=5),
" lsnlq: ", format(C2bB, wid=5), "\n")
C3A <- x %.% ltalc
C3B <- x %.% lcalt
cat("3 ltalc: ", format(C3A, wid=5),
" lcalt: ", format(C3B, wid=5), "\n")
C4aA <- x %.% lqalc
C4aB <- x %.% lcalq
cat("4a lqalc: ", format(C4aA, wid=5),
" lcalq: ", format(C4aB, wid=5), "\n")
C4bA <- x %.% ltals
C4bB <- x %.% lsalt
cat("4b ltals: ", format(C4bA, wid=5),
" lsalt: ", format(C4bB, wid=5), "\n")
x <- stalc
cat("Comparing with stalc", "\n")
C5A <- x %.% stalc
C5B <- x %.% ltasc
cat("5 stalc: ", format(C5A, wid=5),
" ltasc: ", format(C5B, wid=5), "\n")
C6A <- x %.% ssalq
C6B <- x %.% lsasq
cat("6 ssalq: ", format(C6A, wid=5),
" lsasq: ", format(C6B, wid=5), "\n")
# most similar arrangments to "large triangle above large circle"
bestmatch(arrMem, ltalc, n=3)
# the relation in "large triangle above large circle"
bestmatch(relMem, ltalc, n=3)
# the object in role 'above' in "large triangle above large circle"
bestmatch(shapeMem, ltalc * appinv(aboveR), n=3)
# size of object 'above' in "large triangle above large circle"
bestmatch(sizeMem, ltalc * appinv(aboveR), n=3)
# the object in role 'below' in "large triangle above large circle"
bestmatch(shapeMem, ltalc * appinv(belowR), n=3)
# what size is the object 'below' in "large triangle above large circle"
bestmatch(sizeMem, ltalc * appinv(belowR), n=3)
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