
Defines functions wbt_shape_complexity_index_raster wbt_shape_complexity_index wbt_related_circumscribing_circle wbt_radius_of_gyration wbt_perimeter_area_ratio wbt_patch_orientation wbt_narrowness_index wbt_linearity_index wbt_hole_proportion wbt_find_patch_or_class_edge_cells wbt_elongation_ratio wbt_edge_proportion wbt_compactness_ratio wbt_boundary_shape_complexity wbt_weighted_sum wbt_weighted_overlay wbt_update_nodata_cells wbt_union wbt_symmetrical_difference wbt_sum_overlay wbt_split_with_lines wbt_polygonize wbt_pick_from_list wbt_percent_less_than wbt_percent_greater_than wbt_percent_equal_to wbt_min_overlay wbt_min_absolute_overlay wbt_merge_line_segments wbt_max_overlay wbt_max_absolute_overlay wbt_lowest_position wbt_line_intersections wbt_intersect wbt_highest_position wbt_erase_polygon_from_raster wbt_erase wbt_difference wbt_count_if wbt_clip_raster_to_polygon wbt_clip wbt_average_overlay wbt_euclidean_distance wbt_euclidean_allocation wbt_cost_pathway wbt_cost_distance wbt_cost_allocation wbt_buffer_raster wbt_voronoi_diagram wbt_vector_hex_binning wbt_tin_gridding wbt_smooth_vectors wbt_reclass_from_file wbt_reclass_equal_interval wbt_reclass wbt_raster_perimeter wbt_raster_cell_assignment wbt_raster_area wbt_radial_basis_function_interpolation wbt_polygon_short_axis wbt_polygon_perimeter wbt_polygon_long_axis wbt_polygon_area wbt_nearest_neighbour_gridding wbt_natural_neighbour_interpolation wbt_minimum_convex_hull wbt_minimum_bounding_envelope wbt_minimum_bounding_circle wbt_minimum_bounding_box wbt_medoid wbt_layer_footprint wbt_idw_interpolation wbt_find_lowest_or_highest_points wbt_filter_raster_features_by_area wbt_extract_raster_values_at_points wbt_extract_nodes wbt_extend_vector_lines wbt_eliminate_coincident_points wbt_dissolve wbt_create_rectangular_vector_grid wbt_create_plane wbt_create_hexagonal_vector_grid wbt_construct_vector_tin wbt_clump wbt_centroid_vector wbt_centroid wbt_block_minimum_gridding wbt_block_maximum_gridding wbt_aggregate_raster

Documented in wbt_aggregate_raster wbt_average_overlay wbt_block_maximum_gridding wbt_block_minimum_gridding wbt_boundary_shape_complexity wbt_buffer_raster wbt_centroid wbt_centroid_vector wbt_clip wbt_clip_raster_to_polygon wbt_clump wbt_compactness_ratio wbt_construct_vector_tin wbt_cost_allocation wbt_cost_distance wbt_cost_pathway wbt_count_if wbt_create_hexagonal_vector_grid wbt_create_plane wbt_create_rectangular_vector_grid wbt_difference wbt_dissolve wbt_edge_proportion wbt_eliminate_coincident_points wbt_elongation_ratio wbt_erase wbt_erase_polygon_from_raster wbt_euclidean_allocation wbt_euclidean_distance wbt_extend_vector_lines wbt_extract_nodes wbt_extract_raster_values_at_points wbt_filter_raster_features_by_area wbt_find_lowest_or_highest_points wbt_find_patch_or_class_edge_cells wbt_highest_position wbt_hole_proportion wbt_idw_interpolation wbt_intersect wbt_layer_footprint wbt_linearity_index wbt_line_intersections wbt_lowest_position wbt_max_absolute_overlay wbt_max_overlay wbt_medoid wbt_merge_line_segments wbt_min_absolute_overlay wbt_minimum_bounding_box wbt_minimum_bounding_circle wbt_minimum_bounding_envelope wbt_minimum_convex_hull wbt_min_overlay wbt_narrowness_index wbt_natural_neighbour_interpolation wbt_nearest_neighbour_gridding wbt_patch_orientation wbt_percent_equal_to wbt_percent_greater_than wbt_percent_less_than wbt_perimeter_area_ratio wbt_pick_from_list wbt_polygon_area wbt_polygonize wbt_polygon_long_axis wbt_polygon_perimeter wbt_polygon_short_axis wbt_radial_basis_function_interpolation wbt_radius_of_gyration wbt_raster_area wbt_raster_cell_assignment wbt_raster_perimeter wbt_reclass wbt_reclass_equal_interval wbt_reclass_from_file wbt_related_circumscribing_circle wbt_shape_complexity_index wbt_shape_complexity_index_raster wbt_smooth_vectors wbt_split_with_lines wbt_sum_overlay wbt_symmetrical_difference wbt_tin_gridding wbt_union wbt_update_nodata_cells wbt_vector_hex_binning wbt_voronoi_diagram wbt_weighted_overlay wbt_weighted_sum

#' Aggregate raster
#' Aggregates a raster to a lower resolution.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param agg_factor Aggregation factor, in pixels.
#' @param type Statistic used to fill output pixels.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_aggregate_raster <- function(input, output, agg_factor=2, type="mean", wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(agg_factor)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--agg_factor=", agg_factor))
  if (!is.null(type)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--type=", type))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Block maximum gridding
#' Creates a raster grid based on a set of vector points and assigns grid values using a block maximum scheme.
#' @param input Input vector Points file.
#' @param field Input field name in attribute table.
#' @param use_z Use z-coordinate instead of field?.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param cell_size Optionally specified cell size of output raster. Not used when base raster is specified.
#' @param base Optionally specified input base raster file. Not used when a cell size is specified.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_block_maximum_gridding <- function(input, field, output, use_z=FALSE, cell_size=NULL, base=NULL, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--field=", field))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (use_z) {
    args <- paste(args, "--use_z")
  if (!is.null(cell_size)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--cell_size=", cell_size))
  if (!is.null(base)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--base=", base))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Block minimum gridding
#' Creates a raster grid based on a set of vector points and assigns grid values using a block minimum scheme.
#' @param input Input vector Points file.
#' @param field Input field name in attribute table.
#' @param use_z Use z-coordinate instead of field?.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param cell_size Optionally specified cell size of output raster. Not used when base raster is specified.
#' @param base Optionally specified input base raster file. Not used when a cell size is specified.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_block_minimum_gridding <- function(input, field, output, use_z=FALSE, cell_size=NULL, base=NULL, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--field=", field))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (use_z) {
    args <- paste(args, "--use_z")
  if (!is.null(cell_size)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--cell_size=", cell_size))
  if (!is.null(base)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--base=", base))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Centroid
#' Calculates the centroid, or average location, of raster polygon objects.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param text_output Optional text output.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_centroid <- function(input, output, text_output=FALSE, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (text_output) {
    args <- paste(args, "--text_output")
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Centroid vector
#' Identifes the centroid point of a vector polyline or polygon feature or a group of vector points.
#' @param input Input vector file.
#' @param output Output vector file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_centroid_vector <- function(input, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Clump
#' Groups cells that form discrete areas, assigning them unique identifiers.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param diag Flag indicating whether diagonal connections should be considered.
#' @param zero_back Flag indicating whether zero values should be treated as a background.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_clump <- function(input, output, diag=TRUE, zero_back=FALSE, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (diag) {
    args <- paste(args, "--diag")
  if (zero_back) {
    args <- paste(args, "--zero_back")
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Construct vector tin
#' Creates a vector triangular irregular network (TIN) for a set of vector points.
#' @param input Input vector points file.
#' @param field Input field name in attribute table.
#' @param use_z Use the 'z' dimension of the Shapefile's geometry instead of an attribute field?.
#' @param output Output vector polygon file.
#' @param max_triangle_edge_length Optional maximum triangle edge length; triangles larger than this size will not be gridded.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_construct_vector_tin <- function(input, output, field=NULL, use_z=FALSE, max_triangle_edge_length=NULL, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(field)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--field=", field))
  if (use_z) {
    args <- paste(args, "--use_z")
  if (!is.null(max_triangle_edge_length)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--max_triangle_edge_length=", max_triangle_edge_length))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Create hexagonal vector grid
#' Creates a hexagonal vector grid.
#' @param input Input base file.
#' @param output Output vector polygon file.
#' @param width The grid cell width.
#' @param orientation Grid Orientation, 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_create_hexagonal_vector_grid <- function(input, output, width, orientation="horizontal", wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--width=", width))
  if (!is.null(orientation)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--orientation=", orientation))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Create plane
#' Creates a raster image based on the equation for a simple plane.
#' @param base Input base raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param gradient Slope gradient in degrees (-85.0 to 85.0).
#' @param aspect Aspect (direction) in degrees clockwise from north (0.0-360.0).
#' @param constant Constant value.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_create_plane <- function(base, output, gradient=15.0, aspect=90.0, constant=0.0, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--base=", base))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(gradient)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--gradient=", gradient))
  if (!is.null(aspect)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--aspect=", aspect))
  if (!is.null(constant)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--constant=", constant))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Create rectangular vector grid
#' Creates a rectangular vector grid.
#' @param input Input base file.
#' @param output Output vector polygon file.
#' @param width The grid cell width.
#' @param height The grid cell height.
#' @param xorig The grid origin x-coordinate.
#' @param yorig The grid origin y-coordinate.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_create_rectangular_vector_grid <- function(input, output, width, height, xorig=0, yorig=0, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--width=", width))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--height=", height))
  if (!is.null(xorig)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--xorig=", xorig))
  if (!is.null(yorig)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--yorig=", yorig))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Dissolve
#' Removes the interior, or shared, boundaries within a vector polygon coverage.
#' @param input Input vector file.
#' @param field Dissolve field attribute (optional).
#' @param output Output vector file.
#' @param snap Snap tolerance.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_dissolve <- function(input, output, field=NULL, snap=0.0, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(field)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--field=", field))
  if (!is.null(snap)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--snap=", snap))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Eliminate coincident points
#' Removes any coincident, or nearly coincident, points from a vector points file.
#' @param input Input vector file.
#' @param output Output vector polygon file.
#' @param tolerance The distance tolerance for points.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_eliminate_coincident_points <- function(input, output, tolerance, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--tolerance=", tolerance))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Extend vector lines
#' Extends vector lines by a specified distance.
#' @param input Input vector polyline file.
#' @param output Output vector polyline file.
#' @param dist The distance to extend.
#' @param extend Extend direction, 'both ends' (default), 'line start', 'line end'.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_extend_vector_lines <- function(input, output, dist, extend="both ends", wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--dist=", dist))
  if (!is.null(extend)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--extend=", extend))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Extract nodes
#' Converts vector lines or polygons into vertex points.
#' @param input Input vector lines or polygon file.
#' @param output Output vector points file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_extract_nodes <- function(input, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Extract raster values at points
#' Extracts the values of raster(s) at vector point locations.
#' @param inputs Input raster files.
#' @param points Input vector points file.
#' @param out_text Output point values as text? Otherwise, the only output is to to the points file's attribute table.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_extract_raster_values_at_points <- function(inputs, points, out_text=FALSE, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--inputs=", inputs))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--points=", points))
  if (out_text) {
    args <- paste(args, "--out_text")
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Filter raster features by area
#' Removes small-area features from a raster.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param threshold Remove features with fewer grid cells than this threshold value.
#' @param background Background value.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_filter_raster_features_by_area <- function(input, output, threshold, background="zero", wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--threshold=", threshold))
  if (!is.null(background)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--background=", background))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Find lowest or highest points
#' Locates the lowest and/or highest valued cells in a raster.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output vector points file.
#' @param out_type Output type; one of 'area' (default) and 'volume'.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_find_lowest_or_highest_points <- function(input, output, out_type="lowest", wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(out_type)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--out_type=", out_type))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Idw interpolation
#' Interpolates vector points into a raster surface using an inverse-distance weighted scheme.
#' @param input Input vector Points file.
#' @param field Input field name in attribute table.
#' @param use_z Use z-coordinate instead of field?.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param weight IDW weight value.
#' @param radius Search Radius in map units.
#' @param min_points Minimum number of points.
#' @param cell_size Optionally specified cell size of output raster. Not used when base raster is specified.
#' @param base Optionally specified input base raster file. Not used when a cell size is specified.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_idw_interpolation <- function(input, field, output, use_z=FALSE, weight=2.0, radius=NULL, min_points=NULL, cell_size=NULL, base=NULL, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--field=", field))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (use_z) {
    args <- paste(args, "--use_z")
  if (!is.null(weight)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--weight=", weight))
  if (!is.null(radius)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--radius=", radius))
  if (!is.null(min_points)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--min_points=", min_points))
  if (!is.null(cell_size)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--cell_size=", cell_size))
  if (!is.null(base)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--base=", base))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Layer footprint
#' Creates a vector polygon footprint of the area covered by a raster grid or vector layer.
#' @param input Input raster or vector file.
#' @param output Output vector polygon file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_layer_footprint <- function(input, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Medoid
#' Calculates the medoid for a series of vector features contained in a shapefile.
#' @param input Input vector file.
#' @param output Output vector file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_medoid <- function(input, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Minimum bounding box
#' Creates a vector minimum bounding rectangle around vector features.
#' @param input Input vector file.
#' @param output Output vector polygon file.
#' @param criterion Minimization criterion; options include 'area' (default), 'length', 'width', and 'perimeter'.
#' @param features Find the minimum bounding rectangles around each individual vector feature.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_minimum_bounding_box <- function(input, output, criterion="area", features=TRUE, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(criterion)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--criterion=", criterion))
  if (features) {
    args <- paste(args, "--features")
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Minimum bounding circle
#' Delineates the minimum bounding circle (i.e. smallest enclosing circle) for a group of vectors.
#' @param input Input vector file.
#' @param output Output vector polygon file.
#' @param features Find the minimum bounding circle around each individual vector feature.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_minimum_bounding_circle <- function(input, output, features=TRUE, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (features) {
    args <- paste(args, "--features")
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Minimum bounding envelope
#' Creates a vector axis-aligned minimum bounding rectangle (envelope) around vector features.
#' @param input Input vector file.
#' @param output Output vector polygon file.
#' @param features Find the minimum bounding envelop around each individual vector feature.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_minimum_bounding_envelope <- function(input, output, features=TRUE, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (features) {
    args <- paste(args, "--features")
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Minimum convex hull
#' Creates a vector convex polygon around vector features.
#' @param input Input vector file.
#' @param output Output vector polygon file.
#' @param features Find the hulls around each vector feature.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_minimum_convex_hull <- function(input, output, features=TRUE, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (features) {
    args <- paste(args, "--features")
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Natural neighbour interpolation
#' Creates a raster grid based on Sibson's natural neighbour method.
#' @param input Input vector points file.
#' @param field Input field name in attribute table.
#' @param use_z Use the 'z' dimension of the Shapefile's geometry instead of an attribute field?.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param cell_size Optionally specified cell size of output raster. Not used when base raster is specified.
#' @param base Optionally specified input base raster file. Not used when a cell size is specified.
#' @param clip Clip the data to the convex hull of the points?.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_natural_neighbour_interpolation <- function(input, output, field=NULL, use_z=FALSE, cell_size=NULL, base=NULL, clip=TRUE, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(field)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--field=", field))
  if (use_z) {
    args <- paste(args, "--use_z")
  if (!is.null(cell_size)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--cell_size=", cell_size))
  if (!is.null(base)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--base=", base))
  if (clip) {
    args <- paste(args, "--clip")
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Nearest neighbour gridding
#' Creates a raster grid based on a set of vector points and assigns grid values using the nearest neighbour.
#' @param input Input vector Points file.
#' @param field Input field name in attribute table.
#' @param use_z Use z-coordinate instead of field?.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param cell_size Optionally specified cell size of output raster. Not used when base raster is specified.
#' @param base Optionally specified input base raster file. Not used when a cell size is specified.
#' @param max_dist Maximum search distance (optional).
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_nearest_neighbour_gridding <- function(input, field, output, use_z=FALSE, cell_size=NULL, base=NULL, max_dist=NULL, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--field=", field))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (use_z) {
    args <- paste(args, "--use_z")
  if (!is.null(cell_size)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--cell_size=", cell_size))
  if (!is.null(base)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--base=", base))
  if (!is.null(max_dist)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--max_dist=", max_dist))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Polygon area
#' Calculates the area of vector polygons.
#' @param input Input vector polygon file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_polygon_area <- function(input, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Polygon long axis
#' This tool can be used to map the long axis of polygon features.
#' @param input Input vector polygons file.
#' @param output Output vector polyline file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_polygon_long_axis <- function(input, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Polygon perimeter
#' Calculates the perimeter of vector polygons.
#' @param input Input vector polygon file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_polygon_perimeter <- function(input, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Polygon short axis
#' This tool can be used to map the short axis of polygon features.
#' @param input Input vector polygons file.
#' @param output Output vector polyline file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_polygon_short_axis <- function(input, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Radial basis function interpolation
#' Interpolates vector points into a raster surface using a radial basis function scheme.
#' @param input Input vector points file.
#' @param field Input field name in attribute table.
#' @param use_z Use z-coordinate instead of field?.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param radius Search Radius (in map units).
#' @param min_points Minimum number of points.
#' @param func_type Radial basis function type; options are 'ThinPlateSpline' (default), 'PolyHarmonic', 'Gaussian', 'MultiQuadric', 'InverseMultiQuadric'.
#' @param poly_order Polynomial order; options are 'none' (default), 'constant', 'affine'.
#' @param weight Weight parameter used in basis function.
#' @param cell_size Optionally specified cell size of output raster. Not used when base raster is specified.
#' @param base Optionally specified input base raster file. Not used when a cell size is specified.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_radial_basis_function_interpolation <- function(input, field, output, use_z=FALSE, radius=NULL, min_points=NULL, func_type="ThinPlateSpline", poly_order="none", weight=0.1, cell_size=NULL, base=NULL, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--field=", field))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (use_z) {
    args <- paste(args, "--use_z")
  if (!is.null(radius)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--radius=", radius))
  if (!is.null(min_points)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--min_points=", min_points))
  if (!is.null(func_type)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--func_type=", func_type))
  if (!is.null(poly_order)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--poly_order=", poly_order))
  if (!is.null(weight)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--weight=", weight))
  if (!is.null(cell_size)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--cell_size=", cell_size))
  if (!is.null(base)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--base=", base))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Raster area
#' Calculates the area of polygons or classes within a raster image.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param out_text Would you like to output polygon areas to text?.
#' @param units Area units; options include 'grid cells' and 'map units'.
#' @param zero_back Flag indicating whether zero values should be treated as a background.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_raster_area <- function(input, output=NULL, out_text=FALSE, units="grid cells", zero_back=FALSE, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  if (!is.null(output)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (out_text) {
    args <- paste(args, "--out_text")
  if (!is.null(units)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--units=", units))
  if (zero_back) {
    args <- paste(args, "--zero_back")
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Raster cell assignment
#' Assign row or column number to cells.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param assign Which variable would you like to assign to grid cells? Options include 'column', 'row', 'x', and 'y'.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_raster_cell_assignment <- function(input, output, assign="column", wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(assign)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--assign=", assign))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Raster perimeter
#' Calculates the perimeters of polygons or classes within a raster image.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param out_text Would you like to output polygon areas to text?.
#' @param units Area units; options include 'grid cells' and 'map units'.
#' @param zero_back Flag indicating whether zero values should be treated as a background.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_raster_perimeter <- function(input, output=NULL, out_text=FALSE, units="grid cells", zero_back=FALSE, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  if (!is.null(output)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (out_text) {
    args <- paste(args, "--out_text")
  if (!is.null(units)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--units=", units))
  if (zero_back) {
    args <- paste(args, "--zero_back")
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Reclass
#' Reclassifies the values in a raster image.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param reclass_vals Reclassification triplet values (new value; from value; to less than), e.g. '0.0;0.0;1.0;1.0;1.0;2.0'.
#' @param assign_mode Optional Boolean flag indicating whether to operate in assign mode, reclass_vals values are interpreted as new value; old value pairs.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_reclass <- function(input, output, reclass_vals, assign_mode=FALSE, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--reclass_vals=", reclass_vals))
  if (assign_mode) {
    args <- paste(args, "--assign_mode")
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Reclass equal interval
#' Reclassifies the values in a raster image based on equal-ranges.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param interval Class interval size.
#' @param start_val Optional starting value (default is input minimum value).
#' @param end_val Optional ending value (default is input maximum value).
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_reclass_equal_interval <- function(input, output, interval=10.0, start_val=NULL, end_val=NULL, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(interval)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--interval=", interval))
  if (!is.null(start_val)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--start_val=", start_val))
  if (!is.null(end_val)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--end_val=", end_val))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Reclass from file
#' Reclassifies the values in a raster image using reclass ranges in a text file.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param reclass_file Input text file containing reclass ranges.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_reclass_from_file <- function(input, reclass_file, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--reclass_file=", reclass_file))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Smooth vectors
#' Smooths a vector coverage of either a POLYLINE or POLYGON base ShapeType.
#' @param input Input vector POLYLINE or POLYGON file.
#' @param output Output vector file.
#' @param filter The filter size, any odd integer greater than or equal to 3; default is 3.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_smooth_vectors <- function(input, output, filter=3, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(filter)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--filter=", filter))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Tin gridding
#' Creates a raster grid based on a triangular irregular network (TIN) fitted to vector points.
#' @param input Input vector points file.
#' @param field Input field name in attribute table.
#' @param use_z Use the 'z' dimension of the Shapefile's geometry instead of an attribute field?.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param resolution Output raster's grid resolution.
#' @param base Optionally specified input base raster file. Not used when a cell size is specified.
#' @param max_triangle_edge_length Optional maximum triangle edge length; triangles larger than this size will not be gridded.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_tin_gridding <- function(input, output, field=NULL, use_z=FALSE, resolution=NULL, base=NULL, max_triangle_edge_length=NULL, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(field)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--field=", field))
  if (use_z) {
    args <- paste(args, "--use_z")
  if (!is.null(resolution)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--resolution=", resolution))
  if (!is.null(base)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--base=", base))
  if (!is.null(max_triangle_edge_length)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--max_triangle_edge_length=", max_triangle_edge_length))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Vector hex binning
#' Hex-bins a set of vector points.
#' @param input Input base file.
#' @param output Output vector polygon file.
#' @param width The grid cell width.
#' @param orientation Grid Orientation, 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_vector_hex_binning <- function(input, output, width, orientation="horizontal", wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--width=", width))
  if (!is.null(orientation)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--orientation=", orientation))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Voronoi diagram
#' Creates a vector Voronoi diagram for a set of vector points.
#' @param input Input vector points file.
#' @param output Output vector polygon file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_voronoi_diagram <- function(input, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Buffer raster
#' Maps a distance-based buffer around each non-background (non-zero/non-nodata) grid cell in an input image.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param size Buffer size.
#' @param gridcells Optional flag to indicate that the 'size' threshold should be measured in grid cells instead of the default map units.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_buffer_raster <- function(input, output, size, gridcells=FALSE, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--size=", size))
  if (gridcells) {
    args <- paste(args, "--gridcells")
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Cost allocation
#' Identifies the source cell to which each grid cell is connected by a least-cost pathway in a cost-distance analysis.
#' @param source Input source raster file.
#' @param backlink Input backlink raster file generated by the cost-distance tool.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_cost_allocation <- function(source, backlink, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--source=", source))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--backlink=", backlink))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Cost distance
#' Performs cost-distance accumulation on a cost surface and a group of source cells.
#' @param source Input source raster file.
#' @param cost Input cost (friction) raster file.
#' @param out_accum Output cost accumulation raster file.
#' @param out_backlink Output backlink raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_cost_distance <- function(source, cost, out_accum, out_backlink, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--source=", source))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--cost=", cost))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--out_accum=", out_accum))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--out_backlink=", out_backlink))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Cost pathway
#' Performs cost-distance pathway analysis using a series of destination grid cells.
#' @param destination Input destination raster file.
#' @param backlink Input backlink raster file generated by the cost-distance tool.
#' @param output Output cost pathway raster file.
#' @param zero_background Flag indicating whether zero values should be treated as a background.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_cost_pathway <- function(destination, backlink, output, zero_background=FALSE, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--destination=", destination))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--backlink=", backlink))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (zero_background) {
    args <- paste(args, "--zero_background")
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Euclidean allocation
#' Assigns grid cells in the output raster the value of the nearest target cell in the input image, measured by the Shih and Wu (2004) Euclidean distance transform.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_euclidean_allocation <- function(input, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Euclidean distance
#' Calculates the Shih and Wu (2004) Euclidean distance transform.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_euclidean_distance <- function(input, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Average overlay
#' Calculates the average for each grid cell from a group of raster images.
#' @param inputs Input raster files.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_average_overlay <- function(inputs, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--inputs=", inputs))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Clip
#' Extract all the features, or parts of features, that overlap with the features of the clip vector.
#' @param input Input vector file.
#' @param clip Input clip polygon vector file.
#' @param output Output vector file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_clip <- function(input, clip, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--clip=", clip))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Clip raster to polygon
#' Clips a raster to a vector polygon.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param polygons Input vector polygons file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param maintain_dimensions Maintain input raster dimensions?.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_clip_raster_to_polygon <- function(input, polygons, output, maintain_dimensions=FALSE, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--polygons=", polygons))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (maintain_dimensions) {
    args <- paste(args, "--maintain_dimensions")
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Count if
#' Counts the number of occurrences of a specified value in a cell-stack of rasters.
#' @param inputs Input raster files.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param value Search value (e.g. countif value = 5.0).
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_count_if <- function(inputs, output, value, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--inputs=", inputs))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--value=", value))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Difference
#' Outputs the features that occur in one of the two vector inputs but not both, i.e. no overlapping features.
#' @param input Input vector file.
#' @param overlay Input overlay vector file.
#' @param output Output vector file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_difference <- function(input, overlay, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--overlay=", overlay))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Erase
#' Removes all the features, or parts of features, that overlap with the features of the erase vector polygon.
#' @param input Input vector file.
#' @param erase Input erase polygon vector file.
#' @param output Output vector file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_erase <- function(input, erase, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--erase=", erase))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Erase polygon from raster
#' Erases (cuts out) a vector polygon from a raster.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param polygons Input vector polygons file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_erase_polygon_from_raster <- function(input, polygons, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--polygons=", polygons))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Highest position
#' Identifies the stack position of the maximum value within a raster stack on a cell-by-cell basis.
#' @param inputs Input raster files.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_highest_position <- function(inputs, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--inputs=", inputs))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Intersect
#' Identifies the parts of features in common between two input vector layers.
#' @param input Input vector file.
#' @param overlay Input overlay vector file.
#' @param output Output vector file.
#' @param snap Snap tolerance.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_intersect <- function(input, overlay, output, snap=0.0, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--overlay=", overlay))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(snap)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--snap=", snap))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Line intersections
#' Identifies points where the features of two vector line layers intersect.
#' @param input1 Input vector polyline file.
#' @param input2 Input vector polyline file.
#' @param output Output vector point file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_line_intersections <- function(input1, input2, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input1=", input1))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input2=", input2))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Lowest position
#' Identifies the stack position of the minimum value within a raster stack on a cell-by-cell basis.
#' @param inputs Input raster files.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_lowest_position <- function(inputs, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--inputs=", inputs))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Max absolute overlay
#' Evaluates the maximum absolute value for each grid cell from a stack of input rasters.
#' @param inputs Input raster files.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_max_absolute_overlay <- function(inputs, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--inputs=", inputs))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Max overlay
#' Evaluates the maximum value for each grid cell from a stack of input rasters.
#' @param inputs Input raster files.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_max_overlay <- function(inputs, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--inputs=", inputs))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Merge line segments
#' Merges vector line segments into larger features.
#' @param input Input vector file.
#' @param output Output vector file.
#' @param snap Snap tolerance.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_merge_line_segments <- function(input, output, snap=0.0, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(snap)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--snap=", snap))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Min absolute overlay
#' Evaluates the minimum absolute value for each grid cell from a stack of input rasters.
#' @param inputs Input raster files.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_min_absolute_overlay <- function(inputs, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--inputs=", inputs))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Min overlay
#' Evaluates the minimum value for each grid cell from a stack of input rasters.
#' @param inputs Input raster files.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_min_overlay <- function(inputs, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--inputs=", inputs))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Percent equal to
#' Calculates the percentage of a raster stack that have cell values equal to an input on a cell-by-cell basis.
#' @param inputs Input raster files.
#' @param comparison Input comparison raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_percent_equal_to <- function(inputs, comparison, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--inputs=", inputs))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--comparison=", comparison))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Percent greater than
#' Calculates the percentage of a raster stack that have cell values greather than an input on a cell-by-cell basis.
#' @param inputs Input raster files.
#' @param comparison Input comparison raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_percent_greater_than <- function(inputs, comparison, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--inputs=", inputs))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--comparison=", comparison))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Percent less than
#' Calculates the percentage of a raster stack that have cell values less than an input on a cell-by-cell basis.
#' @param inputs Input raster files.
#' @param comparison Input comparison raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_percent_less_than <- function(inputs, comparison, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--inputs=", inputs))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--comparison=", comparison))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Pick from list
#' Outputs the value from a raster stack specified by a position raster.
#' @param inputs Input raster files.
#' @param pos_input Input position raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_pick_from_list <- function(inputs, pos_input, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--inputs=", inputs))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--pos_input=", pos_input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Polygonize
#' Creates a polygon layer from two or more intersecting line features contained in one or more input vector line files.
#' @param inputs Input vector polyline file.
#' @param output Output vector polygon file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_polygonize <- function(inputs, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--inputs=", inputs))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Split with lines
#' Splits the lines or polygons in one layer using the lines in another layer.
#' @param input Input vector line or polygon file.
#' @param split Input vector polyline file.
#' @param output Output vector file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_split_with_lines <- function(input, split, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--split=", split))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Sum overlay
#' Calculates the sum for each grid cell from a group of raster images.
#' @param inputs Input raster files.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_sum_overlay <- function(inputs, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--inputs=", inputs))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Symmetrical difference
#' Outputs the features that occur in one of the two vector inputs but not both, i.e. no overlapping features.
#' @param input Input vector file.
#' @param overlay Input overlay vector file.
#' @param output Output vector file.
#' @param snap Snap tolerance.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_symmetrical_difference <- function(input, overlay, output, snap=0.0, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--overlay=", overlay))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(snap)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--snap=", snap))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Union
#' Splits vector layers at their overlaps, creating a layer containing all the portions from both input and overlay layers.
#' @param input Input vector file.
#' @param overlay Input overlay vector file.
#' @param output Output vector file.
#' @param snap Snap tolerance.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_union <- function(input, overlay, output, snap=0.0, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--overlay=", overlay))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(snap)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--snap=", snap))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Update nodata cells
#' Replaces the NoData values in an input raster with the corresponding values contained in a second update layer.
#' @param input1 Input raster file 1.
#' @param input2 Input raster file 2; update layer.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_update_nodata_cells <- function(input1, input2, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input1=", input1))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input2=", input2))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Weighted overlay
#' Performs a weighted sum on multiple input rasters after converting each image to a common scale. The tool performs a multi-criteria evaluation (MCE).
#' @param factors Input factor raster files.
#' @param weights Weight values, contained in quotes and separated by commas or semicolons. Must have the same number as factors.
#' @param cost Weight values, contained in quotes and separated by commas or semicolons. Must have the same number as factors.
#' @param constraints Input constraints raster files.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param scale_max Suitability scale maximum value (common values are 1.0, 100.0, and 255.0).
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_weighted_overlay <- function(factors, weights, output, cost=NULL, constraints=NULL, scale_max=1.0, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--factors=", factors))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--weights=", weights))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(cost)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--cost=", cost))
  if (!is.null(constraints)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--constraints=", constraints))
  if (!is.null(scale_max)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--scale_max=", scale_max))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Weighted sum
#' Performs a weighted-sum overlay on multiple input raster images.
#' @param inputs Input raster files.
#' @param weights Weight values, contained in quotes and separated by commas or semicolons.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_weighted_sum <- function(inputs, weights, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--inputs=", inputs))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--weights=", weights))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Boundary shape complexity
#' Calculates the complexity of the boundaries of raster polygons.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_boundary_shape_complexity <- function(input, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Compactness ratio
#' Calculates the compactness ratio (A/P), a measure of shape complexity, for vector polygons.
#' @param input Input vector polygon file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_compactness_ratio <- function(input, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Edge proportion
#' Calculate the proportion of cells in a raster polygon that are edge cells.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param output_text flag indicating whether a text report should also be output.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_edge_proportion <- function(input, output, output_text=FALSE, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (output_text) {
    args <- paste(args, "--output_text")
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Elongation ratio
#' Calculates the elongation ratio for vector polygons.
#' @param input Input vector polygon file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_elongation_ratio <- function(input, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Find patch or class edge cells
#' Finds all cells located on the edge of patch or class features.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_find_patch_or_class_edge_cells <- function(input, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Hole proportion
#' Calculates the proportion of the total area of a polygon's holes relative to the area of the polygon's hull.
#' @param input Input vector polygon file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_hole_proportion <- function(input, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Linearity index
#' Calculates the linearity index for vector polygons.
#' @param input Input vector polygon file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_linearity_index <- function(input, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Narrowness index
#' Calculates the narrowness of raster polygons.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_narrowness_index <- function(input, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Patch orientation
#' Calculates the orientation of vector polygons.
#' @param input Input vector polygon file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_patch_orientation <- function(input, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Perimeter area ratio
#' Calculates the perimeter-area ratio of vector polygons.
#' @param input Input vector polygon file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_perimeter_area_ratio <- function(input, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Radius of gyration
#' Calculates the distance of cells from their polygon's centroid.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param text_output Optional text output.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_radius_of_gyration <- function(input, output, text_output=FALSE, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (text_output) {
    args <- paste(args, "--text_output")
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Related circumscribing circle
#' Calculates the related circumscribing circle of vector polygons.
#' @param input Input vector polygon file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_related_circumscribing_circle <- function(input, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Shape complexity index
#' Calculates overall polygon shape complexity or irregularity.
#' @param input Input vector polygon file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_shape_complexity_index <- function(input, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

#' Shape complexity index raster
#' Calculates the complexity of raster polygons or classes.
#' @param input Input raster file.
#' @param output Output raster file.
#' @param wd Changes the working directory.
#' @param verbose_mode Sets verbose mode. If verbose mode is False, tools will not print output messages.
#' @return Returns the tool text outputs.
#' @export
wbt_shape_complexity_index_raster <- function(input, output, wd=NULL, verbose_mode=FALSE) {
  args <- ""
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--input=", input))
  args <- paste(args, paste0("--output=", output))
  if (!is.null(wd)) {
    args <- paste(args, paste0("--wd=", wd))
  tool_name <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])
  wbt_run_tool(tool_name, args, verbose_mode)

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whitebox documentation built on Sept. 7, 2020, 3 p.m.