Man pages for yapomif
Yet another package of misc functions

add_gridAdd grid to a plot
avg_survModel-based adjusted survival curves.
censor_atCensore time to event end point at a certain time.
ClassExtract class smartly from more complex data object rather...
cramer_vCramer's V calculator.
daCalculate diagnostic accuracy measures for binary measures...
da_at_cutoffCalculate diagnostic accuracy measures for several cutoffs of...
dadbGenerate a data.frame of diagnostic accuracy study.
date_mdyCreate a 'Date' from month, day and year.
daysExtract numeric days of month from a Date, POSIXct or POSIXlt...
days_to_monthsTrivial function that converts number of days in number of...
days_to_weeksTrivial function that converts number of days in number of...
days_to_yearsTrivial function that converts number of days in number of...
dir_cleanRemove all files in a directory.
encapsulateEncapsulate text between margins.
enSummarysummary with sd
exportExport results various type of results in tab delimited...
export_coxphExport coxph summary and proportional hazard test
getAccessTableRetrieve an MS Access (R) table from an mdb or accdb file.
getExcelSheetRetrieve an MS Excel (R) sheet from an xls or xlsx file.
graphOpen a vectorial device file in a portable way.
hoursExtract numeric hours of month from a POSIXct or POSIXlt...
inchesTranslates from cm (centimeters) to inches.
kmPlots an 'enhanced' Kaplan-Meier plot, with base graphics...
make_pathPath-function generator.
minutesExtract numeric minutes of month from a POSIXct or POSIXlt...
monthsExtract numeric months of the year from a Date, POSIXct or...
not-inNot in
pairs_with_lowessScatterplot Matrices with a lowess smoother
pretty_pvalPretty print for p-values
quick_rocA quick roc plot.
recodeVector recode utility
show_colShow R colors for graphics and grid package
show_pchShow pch
TableCross tabulation and table creation
tteepCommon time to event end-points calculator.
univTableUnivariate table with absolute, relative, cumulative...
write_delimWrite a tab separated file with "." as decimal separator.
write_delim2Write a tab separated file with "," as decimal separator.
xtileCut numeric x in quantile
yapomif-packageYet another package of misc functions.
yearsExtract numeric years from a Date, POSIXct or POSIXlt vector.
yapomif documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:51 p.m.