
context("Testing diceSim")

test_that("diceSim", {
    genes.id2 <- c("52", "11342", "80895", "57654", "548953", "11586", "45985")
    genes.id <- c(
        "52", "11342", "80895", "57654", "58493", "1164", "1163",
        "4150", "2130", "159"
    test <- diceSim(genes.id, genes.id2)
    expect_equal(test, 0.47058823)
    expect_equal(diceSim(genes.id, genes.id), 1L)
    expect_true(is.na(diceSim(c(), c())))
    expect_true(is.na(diceSim(c(), genes.id)))
    expect_warning(diceSim(1, 2))
    expect_equal(diceSim(character(), "2"), 0L)
    expect_equal(diceSim(character(), character()), 0L)

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BioCor documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:56 p.m.