Man pages for CHETAH
Fast and accurate scRNA-seq cell type identification

CHETAHclassifierIdentification of cell types aided by hierarchical clustering
CHETAHshinyLaunch a web page to interactively go trough the...
Classify(Re)classify after running 'CHETAHclassifier' using a...
ClassifyReferenceUse a reference dataset to classify itself. A good reference...
CorrelateReferenceCorrelate all reference profiles to each other using...
headneck_refA SingleCellExperiment with celltypes in the "celltypes"...
input_melA SingleCellExperiment on which CHEATHclassifier is run using...
PlotCHETAHPlot the CHETAH classification on 2D visulization like t-SNE...
PlotTreePlots the chetah classification tree with nodes numbered
PlotTSNEPlots a variable on a t-SNE
RenameBelowNodeIn the CHETAH classification, replace the name of a Node and...
CHETAH documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:02 p.m.