
Defines functions `cor.LRtest`

`cor.LRtest` <-
function(x, m1, m2)
    ## m: number of replicates
    p <- dim(x)[1]
    n <- dim(x)[2]
    stopifnot(p == m1+m2)

    ## get grant means muhat_x, muhat_y
    mu.x <- mean(x[1:m1,])
    mu.y <- mean(x[(m1+1):(m1+m2),])
    mux <-  c(rep(mu.x, m1))
    muy <-  c(rep(mu.y, m2))
    mu <- c(rep(mu.x, m1), rep(mu.y, m2))

    ## get Sigmahat_x, Sigmahat_y, Sigma_null, Sigma_alternative
    Sigma.x <- matrix(0, m1, m1)
    Sigma.y <- matrix(0, m2, m2)
    Sigma.null <- matrix(0, p, p)
    Sigma.alter <- matrix(0, p, p)
    xnew1 <- x[1:m1,]-mux
    xnew2 <- x[(m1+1):(m1+m2),]-muy
    xnew <- x-mu

    for (j in 1:n)
        Sigma.x <- Sigma.x  +  xnew1[,j]%*%t(xnew1 [,j])
        Sigma.y <- Sigma.y  +  xnew2[,j]%*%t(xnew2 [,j])
        Sigma.alter <- Sigma.alter + xnew[,j]%*%t(xnew[,j])
    Sigma.x <- Sigma.x/n
    Sigma.y <- Sigma.y/n
    Sigma.alter <- Sigma.alter/n
    diag(Sigma.x) <- 1
    diag(Sigma.y) <- 1
    diag(Sigma.alter) <- 1
    Sigma.null[1:m1,1:m1] <- Sigma.x
    Sigma.null[(m1+1):(m1+m2), (m1+1):(m1+m2)] <- Sigma.y

    M <- solve(Sigma.null) %*% Sigma.alter
    G <- n* (sum(diag(M))-log(det(M))-(m1+m2))

    p.value <- 1- pchisq(G, df=2*m1*m2)

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CORREP documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:09 p.m.