Man pages for CSSP
ChIP-Seq Statistical Power

bin.dataAn artificially constructed BinData-class class object.
bindata.chr1An artificially constructed data.frame object that can be...
BinData-classAn S-4 class containing the model fit information for a CSSP...
bindcountCompute the number of reads overlapping the specified...
bindcount.chrCompute the number of reads overlapping the specified...
bindposAn artificially constructed dataset containing enrichment...
callpeak-methodsCall enriched bins based on the CSSP model.
createBinDataCreate a BinData object by merging lists of ChIP and input...
CSSPFit-classAn S-4 class containing the model fit information for CSSP... the CSSP Model.
cssp.power-methodsCompute the weighted average of bin-wise power conditioning...
cssp.sim-methodsSimulate bin binding intensities according to the posterior...
fit.freq-methodsCompute the estimated frequency for ChIP counts based on the...
pBBT-methodsCompute the cumulative probability of the bin-level poisson...
peakcountCompute the number of aligned reads overlapping the specified...
peakcount.chrCompute the number of aligned reads overlapping peaks for one...
peakposAn artificially generated dataset containing peak invervals...
qBBT-methodsCompute the quantile estimate for the bin-level poisson...
readBinFileRead the bin-level text files containing ChIP and input...
sampleFitA "CSSPFit" class object containing the fitted CSSP model for...
tag2binConvert the genome coordinates of aligned reads to bin-level...
tag2bin.chrConvert the genome coordinates of aligned reads to bin-level...
tagdat_chipAn artificially constructed dataset containing genome...
tagdat_inputAn artificially constructed dataset containing genome...
CSSP documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:26 p.m.