Man pages for DEDS
Differential Expression via Distance Summary for Microarray Data

affySpikeInGene expression dataset from Affymetrix Spike-in Experiments
aggregateFunAggregate Statistical Functions for DEDS
ApoA1Gene expression dataset from the ApoA1 Experiment
comp.adjpComputing permutation based step-down maxT adjusted p values...
comp.BComputing B-statistics for Differential Expression
comp.ebayesComputing Empirical Bayes Statistics for Differential...
comp.FComputing F-statistic for Differential Expression
comp.FCComputing Fold Change for Differential Expression
comp.fdrComputing permutation based q values controlling false...
comp.modFComputing Moderated t-statistics for Differential Expression
comp.modtComputing Moderated t-statistics for Differential Expression
comp.SAMComputing SAM Statistics for Differential Expression
comp.statComputing Test Statistics for Differential Expression
comp.tComputing One and Two Sample t-statistic for Differential...
comp.unadjpComputing permutation based unadjusted p values for each row...
deds.chooseTestSelection of the Most Common Statistics for Differential...
deds.classDEDS Result List - class
deds.genExtraGenerating Extra Parameters for Test Statistics Functions for...
DEDS-internalInternal DEDS functions
deds.pvalDifferential Expression via Distance Summary of p Values from...
deds.statDifferential Expression via Distance Summary of Multiple...
deds.stat.linkCDifferentail Expression via Distance Summary of Multiple...
hist.DEDSHistogram for DEDS Objects
pairs.DEDSPairs Plot for DEDS Objects
qqnorm.DEDSNormal Q-Q Plot for DEDS Objects
topgenesTable of Top Genes from DEDS
DEDS documentation built on Oct. 31, 2019, 3:15 a.m.