Man pages for DNABarcodes
A tool for creating and analysing DNA barcodes used in Next Generation Sequencing multiplexing experiments

analyse.barcodesAnalyse Sets of Barcode
barcode.set.distancesCalculate distances between each barcode pair of a barcode...
create.dnabarcodesCreate a set of DNA barcodes using one of several heuristic...
create.poolCreate a pool of barcode candidates.
demultiplexDemultiplex a set of reads.
distanceCalculate distance between two barcodes.
DNABarcodes-packageCreate and analyse DNA barcode sets that are capable of error...
mutatedReadsMock Set of Mutated Reads
supplierSetMock Set of DNA Barcodes
DNABarcodes documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5 p.m.