Man pages for DepecheR
Determination of essential phenotypic elements of clusters in high-dimensional entities

dAllocateAllocation of observations to pre-established cluster...
dColorPlotDisplay third variable as color on a 2D plot
dColorVectorCreate a vector of colors of the same length as the data
dContoursCreate density contours for two-dimensional data.
dDensityPlotDisplay density on 2D plot
depechePerform optimization and penalized K-means clustering
DepecheR-packageDepecheR: Determination of essential phenotypic elements of...
dResidualPlotShowing the residuals when subtracting the values from one...
dScaleScaling of a vector or a dataframe.
dSplsdaSparse partial least squares discriminant analysis with...
dViolinsCreate violin plots for any variables of choise
dWilcoxWilcoxon rank-sum or signed rank test comparison of subject...
groupProbPlotDefine and plot group probabilities
microClustThis function is the core of the neighSmooth. See the...
neighSmoothEuclidean neighbor smoothing
testDataA 14 color flow cytometry dataset for example execution and...
testDataDepecheA depeche clustering of the testData set
testDataSNESNE of the testData set
DepecheR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:44 p.m.