Man pages for DiscoRhythm
Interactive Workflow for Discovering Rhythmicity in Biological Data

checkJTKperiodValidate Detection Period for JTK Cycle
checkPeriodValidate Detection Period
discoAppLaunch the DiscoRhythm Shiny Application
discoBatchCore DiscoRhythm Workflow
discoCheckInputImport Data for DiscoRhythm Analysis
discoColorsColor pallete used by DiscoRhythm for plotting. This palette...
discoDesignSummarySummarize the experimental design
discoDFtoSEData formatting for DiscoRhythm
discoGetSimuRead in the DiscoRhythm Simulated dataset
discoODAexclusionMatrixAlgorithm Exclusion Matrix
discoODAid2nameMapping Identifiers to Full Names
discoODAsExecute Oscillation Detection Using DiscoRhythm
discoParseMetaGenerate Experiment Metadata
discoPCAPerform PCA
discoPCAgetOutliersInternal function for applying SD cutoff to PCA results...
discoPeriodDetectionDetect dataset-wide fits to multiple periodicities
discoQCQuality Control for DiscoRhythm
DiscoRhythm-packageDiscoRhythm: Interactive Workflow for Discovering Rhythmicity...
discoShinyHandlerHandle Error/Warning messages appropriately with shiny...
fisherExactExtract key values from stats::fisher.test results
inferFilteredDesignDiscoRhythm Experimental Design
lmCSmatNoNACosinor Without NA Values
PeriodDetection_rangeHelper for discoPeriodDetection
sincossin/cos cosinor operations
theme_discoCommon theme elements in DiscoRhythm plots
DiscoRhythm documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:32 p.m.