mbsub <- minnbreast[minnbreast$famid %in% 4:19, ]
rownames(mbsub) <- mbsub$id
PedDf <- mbsub[, c("famid", "id", "fatherid", "motherid", "sex")]
colnames(PedDf) <- FamAgg:::.PEDCN
PedDf$sex <- FamAgg:::sanitizeSex(PedDf$sex)
fad <- FAData(PedDf)
## trait...
far <- fad
tcancer <- mbsub$cancer
names(tcancer) <- mbsub$id
trait(far) <- tcancer
## OK, 0.0.6
## test the argument checking function of the plot functions.
test_plot_arg_numeric_logical <- function(){
## test numeric input allowing only 0 and 1
testvec <- c("0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "1")
checkEquals(as.numeric(testvec), FamAgg:::checkArgNumericLogical(testvec, 6))
testvec <- c(testvec, "z")
checkException(FamAgg:::checkArgNumericLogical(testvec, 7))
testvec <- rep(TRUE, 6)
checkEquals(as.numeric(testvec), FamAgg:::checkArgNumericLogical(testvec, 6))
## check if we get a vector of 6 0s
checkEquals(rep(0, 6), FamAgg:::checkArgNumericLogical(ninds=6))
test_plot_arg_are_twins <- function(){
testvec <- c(NA, NA, "m_1", NA, "m_1", NA)
testveccomp <- testvec
testveccomp[] <- ""
checkEquals(FamAgg:::checkArgAreTwins(testvec, 6), testveccomp)
## empty
checkEquals(FamAgg:::checkArgAreTwins(ninds=6), rep("", 6))
test_plot_arg_consanguineous <- function(){
testvec <- c(NA, NA, NA, "a", NA, "a")
testveccomp <- testvec
testveccomp[] <- ""
checkEquals(FamAgg:::checkArgConsanguineous(testvec, 6), testveccomp)
## check error:
testvec <- c(testvec, "b")
checkException(FamAgg:::checkArgConsanguineous(testvec, 7))
## empty.
checkEquals(FamAgg:::checkArgConsanguineous(ninds=6), rep("", 6))
test_kinship2_plot <- function(){
## data(minnbreast)
## mbsub <- minnbreast[minnbreast$famid %in% 4:19, ]
## rownames(mbsub) <- mbsub$id
## PedDf <- mbsub[, c("famid", "id", "fatherid", "motherid", "sex")]
## colnames(PedDf) <- FamAgg:::.PEDCN
## PedDf$sex <- FamAgg:::sanitizeSex(PedDf$sex)
## far <- as(FAData(pedigree=PedDf), "FAResult")
## ## trait...
## tcancer <- mbsub$cancer
## names(tcancer) <- mbsub$id
## trait(far) <- tcancer
ped <- family(far, family="4", return.type="pedigree")
ped <- ped["4"]
## directly plotting...
fam <- family(far, family="4", return.type="data.frame")
FamAgg:::ks2paint(family=fam$family, individual=fam$id, father=fam$father,
mother=fam$mother, gender=fam$sex, affected=fam$affected,
## random deads
is.deceased <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), nrow(fam), replace=TRUE)
FamAgg:::ks2paint(family=fam$family, individual=fam$id, father=fam$father,
mother=fam$mother, gender=fam$sex, affected=fam$affected,
is.deceased=is.deceased, dev="plot")
test_haplopaint_txt_plot <- function() {
fam <- family(far, family = "4", return.type = "data.frame")
is.deceased <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), nrow(fam), replace=TRUE)
tmp <- FamAgg:::haplopaint(family = fam$family, individual = fam$id,
father = fam$father, mother = fam$mother,
gender = fam$sex, affected = fam$affected,
is.deceased = is.deceased, dev = "txt")
checkTrue(is(tmp, "character"))
res <- read.table(tmp, sep = "\t", = TRUE, header = TRUE,
comment.char = "")
checkEquals(as.integer(is.deceased)[fam$id %in% res$INDIVID], res$DEAD)
pf <- options()$FamAgg$plotfun
FA <- options()$FamAgg
FA$plotfun <- "haplopaint"
options(FamAgg = FA)
tmp <- plotPed(far, family = "5", device = "txt")
checkTrue(is(tmp, "character"))
res <- read.table(tmp, sep = "\t", = TRUE, header = TRUE,
comment.char = "")
checkTrue(ncol(res) == 18)
FA$plotfun <- pf
options(FamAgg = FA)
notrun_test_plot <- function(){
## ## again, make a simple pedigree with trait.
## data(minnbreast)
## mbsub <- minnbreast[minnbreast$famid %in% 4:19, ]
## rownames(mbsub) <- mbsub$id
## PedDf <- mbsub[, c("famid", "id", "fatherid", "motherid", "sex")]
## colnames(PedDf) <- FamAgg:::.PEDCN
## PedDf$sex <- FamAgg:::sanitizeSex(PedDf$sex)
## far <- as(FAData(pedigree=PedDf), "FAResult")
## ## trait...
## tcancer <- mbsub$cancer
## names(tcancer) <- mbsub$id
## trait(far) <- tcancer
is.deceased=c(FALSE, TRUE)))
## plain function to generate...
fam <- family(far, family="4")
rownames(fam) <- as.character(fam$id)
## removing childless founders?
## df <- buildHaplopaintDataframe(family=fam$family, individual=fam$id, father=fam$father,
## mother=fam$mother, gender=fam$sex, affected=fam$affected)
## kins <- kinship(id=fam$id, momid=fam$mother, dadid=fam$father, sex=as.numeric(fam$sex))
## cols <- colSums(kins)
## if(any(cols <= 0.5)){
## kins <- kins[cols > 0.5, cols > 0.5]
## fam <- fam[colnames(kins), ]
## warning(paste0("Removed ", sum(cols <= 0.5), " childless founders!"))
## }
## plain one...
res <- FamAgg:::haplopaint(family=fam$family, individual=fam$id, father=fam$father,
mother=fam$mother, gender=fam$sex, affected=fam$affected)
## add more stuff... random deads...
deads <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), size=nrow(fam), replace=TRUE)
res <- FamAgg:::haplopaint(family=fam$family, individual=fam$id, father=fam$father,
mother=fam$mother, gender=fam$sex, affected=fam$affected,
## testing some larger pedigrees... whether that works at all...
notrun_test_larger_ped <- function(){
## data(minnbreast)
## mbsub <- minnbreast[minnbreast$famid %in% 4:19, ]
## PedDf <- mbsub[, c("famid", "id", "fatherid", "motherid", "sex")]
## colnames(PedDf) <- FamAgg:::.PEDCN
## PedDf$sex <- FamAgg:::sanitizeSex(PedDf$sex)
## far <- as(FAData(pedigree=PedDf), "FAResult")
## ## trait...
## tcancer <- mbsub$cancer
## names(tcancer) <- mbsub$id
tcancershuffle <- sample(tcancer, length(tcancer))
trait(far) <- tcancershuffle
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