
# test lncrnappred functions (all dependent functions)
context("topoicsim prediction functions")

test_that("topoicsim term level", {
  skip("R cmd check time constraints")
  expect_equal(GAPGOM::topo_ic_sim_term("human", "MF", "GO:0018478", 

test_that("topoicsim gene level", {
  skip("R cmd check time constraints")
  expect_equal(GAPGOM::topo_ic_sim_genes("human", "MF", "218", "501",
                                         use_precalculation = FALSE,
                                         drop=NULL, progress_bar = FALSE),

testgenesettopo <- function() {
  list1 <- c("126133","221","218","216","8854","220","219","160428","224",
    GAPGOM::topo_ic_sim_genes("human", "MF", list1[1:5], list1[1:5],
                              use_precalculation = TRUE, 
                              progress_bar = FALSE)

test_that("topoicsim geneset level", {
  skip("R cmd check time constraints")
  expect_equal(testgenesettopo(), gapgom_tests$maintopo_baseresult)

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GAPGOM documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:08 p.m.