Man pages for GraphAT
Graph Theoretic Association Tests

caustonYeast mRNA Expression Data
cellcycleCell-Cycle Cluster Matrix
clust2MatFunction to compute adjacency matrix of cluster graph given a...
depthmatMatrices of depth of association for pairs of YEAST genes...
getpvalueFunction to obtain P values from the Edge permutation and...
giaeverYeast Gene-Knockout Fitness Data
makeClustMMake an adjacency matrix for a cluster graph
mat2UndirGChange graph representations
mRNAclustersYeast mRNA Expression Data Cluster Memberships
permPowerFunction to compute estimated probability of detecting...
permsRandomly permute edges or node labels in a graph
PhenoclustersYeast Gene-Knockout Fitness Data Cluster Memberships
GraphAT documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:01 p.m.