

#hca <- HumanCellAtlas()

test_that("getBundlesCheckout", {

test_that("deleteBundle", {


test_that("getBundle", {


test_that("putBundle", {


test_that("postBundlesCheckout", {


test_that("putCollection", {


test_that("deleteCollection", {


test_that("getCollection", {


test_that("patchCollection", {


test_that("getFile", {


test_that("headFile", {


test_that("putFile", {


test_that("postSearch", {
#    hca <- HumanCellAtlas()

#    es_query <- list(
#        query = list(
#            bool = list(
#                must = list(
#                    list(match = list(files.biomaterial_json.biomaterials.content.organ.text = "brain"))
                    #list(match = list(files.biomaterial_json.biomaterials.content.genus_species = "Homo_sapiens"))
                    #list(match = list(files.file_json.files.content.file_core.file_format = "results")),
                    #list(range = list(manifest.version = list(gte = "2018-07-12T100000.000000Z")))
#                )
#            )
#        )
#    )
    #res <- postSearch(hca, 'aws', 'raw', es_query=es_query)

    #res <- postSearch(hca, 'aws', 'raw', es_query=list(query=NULL))

    #expect_is(res, "SearchResult")
    #expect_equal(first_hit(res), 1L)
    #expect_equal(length(link(res)), 1L)
    #expect_is(link(res), "character")

    #res <- nextResults(res)

    #expect_is(res, "SearchResult")
    #expect_equal(first_hit(res), 101L)
    #expect_equal(length(link(res)), 1L)
    #expect_is(link(res), "character")

test_that("getSubscriptions", {


test_that("putSubscription", {


test_that("deleteSubscription", {


test_that("getSubscription", {


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HCABrowser documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:24 p.m.