Man pages for InterMineR
R Interface with InterMine-Powered Databases

convertToGeneAnswersConvert InterMineR enrichment analysis results to GeneAnswers...
convertToGRangesConvert InterMineR retrieved genomic information to objects...
convertToRangedSummarizedExperimentConvert experimental results retrieved by InterMineR queries...
doEnrichmentPerform enrichment analysis
getDatasetsRetrieve information about the available datasets of a Mine...
getGeneIdsGet values for a list of gene identifiers
getModelGet the model of InterMine
getReleaseGet the current release information of InterMine
getTemplateQueryGet the query contained in a template
getTemplatesGet the information (name and title) of the templates...
getVersionGet the version information of InterMine
getWidgetsGet the widgets of InterMine
initInterMineInitialize the list containing the base URL and API token.
InterMineR-classInterMineR class contains the input values for performing...
InterMineR-methodsMethods for accessing 'InterMineR-class' objects.
InterMineR-packageR Interface with InterMine-powered databases
listDatasetsRetrieve all types of InterMine features that possess...
listMinesList the available InterMine-powered databases
newQueryInitialize a new list query
PL_DiabetesGenesPL_DiabetesGenes data
PL_FlyTF_site_specific_TFsPL_FlyTF_site_specific_TFs data
runQueryRun InterMineR queries
setConstraintssetConstraints function is used to create a new or modify an...
setQueryInitialize a new InterMineR query or modify an existing list...
simplifyResultConvert multiple values of a column into Comma-separated...
summarySummarize InterMineR query constraints
InterMineR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:58 p.m.