
Defines functions .onAttach

#' @importFrom utils packageDescription
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
    pkgVersion <- packageDescription(pkgname, fields = "Version")
    pkgLicense <- packageDescription(pkgname, fields = "License")
    msg <- paste0(pkgname, " v", pkgVersion, "\n\n", "For help, type browseVignettes('IsoCorrectoR') to view the IsoCorrectoR documentation or ?IsoCorrection\n", 
        "to view the documentation of the IsoCorrection() function.\n\n")
    disclaimer <- paste0(pkgname, " is licensed under ", pkgLicense, ". It is free software and comes without any warranty.\n\n")
    citation <- paste0("If you use ", pkgname, " in published research, please cite:\n\n", "Paul Heinrich, Christian Kohler et al.\n", "Correction for natural isotope abundance and tracer impurity in MS-, MS/MS- and high-resolution multiple-tracer-data from stable isotope labeling experiments with IsoCorrectoR", 
        " (Scientific reports, 2018)\n\n")
    packageStartupMessage(paste0(msg, disclaimer, citation))

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IsoCorrectoR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:03 p.m.