
Defines functions PC1VecFun

Documented in PC1VecFun

#' Calculate PC1 vector of found pattern
#' The correlations found between the chosen geneset in a subset of samples
#' can be summarised by looking at the first principal component (PC1) 
#' using principal coponent analysis (PCA).
#' \code{PC1VecFun()} takes a gene expression matrix and the sample ordering
#' and fits a PC1 value to all the samples based on a PCA analysis done on
#' the first n samples.
#' @param top.gem Gene expression matrix containing only highly correlating genes
#' @param seed.sort Ordering of samples according to strength of correlation
#' @param n Number of samples to use in calculation of PC1
#' @return PC1 value for each sample
#' @example example_code/example_pc1.R
#' @export

PC1VecFun <- function(top.gem,seed.sort,n){
    pca.matrix <- top.gem[,seed.sort[seq_len(n)]]
    pca.results <- prcomp(t(pca.matrix),center=TRUE)
    pca.loadings <- pca.results$rotation
    hi.cor.matrix <- top.gem[,seed.sort]
    pc1fun1 <- function(x){
    pc1.vec <- vapply(seq_len(length(seed.sort)), FUN = pc1fun1, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))

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MCbiclust documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:09 p.m.