essR-MEIGOR: Global optimization algorithm for MINLPs based on Scatter...

Description Details Author(s) References See Also


essR attempts to solve problems of the form:

min F(x) subject to: x ceq(x) = 0 (equality constraints) c_L <= c(x) <= c_U (inequality constraints) x_L <= x <= x_U (bounds on the decision variables) Constraint functions, if applicable, must be declared in the same script as the objective function as a second output argument, e.g.: myfunction <- function(x){ calculate fx - scalar containing the objective function value calculate gx - vector (or empty) containing the constraints values return(list(fx,gx)) }


Package: MEIGOR
Type: Package
Version: 0.99.6
Date: 2012-02-04
License: GPL-3
LazyLoad: yes


Jose Egea David Henriques Thomas Cokelaer Alejandro F. Villaverde Julio R. Banga Julio Saez-Rodriguez

Maintainer:Jose Egea <>


Egea, J.A., Maria, R., Banga, J.R. (2010) An evolutionary method for complex-process optimization. Computers & Operations Research 37(2): 315-324.

Egea, J.A., Balsa-Canto, E., Garcia, M.S.G., Banga, J.R. (2009) Dynamic optimization of nonlinear processes with an enhanced scatter search method. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 49(9): 4388-4401.

See Also


MEIGOR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:46 p.m.