Man pages for NTW
Predict gene network using an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) based method

A.estimation.SrowEstimation of a single row in matrix A with the perturbation...
AP.estimation.SrowEstimation of a single row in gene interaction matrix A and...
comb.matrixCreate all combinations of vectors
methods.regressionRegression methods to estimate a single row in A with fixed...
NTWEstimation of gene interaction matrix A and perturbation...
NTW-packageGene interaction network and perturbation targets predictions
patterns.priorAApproaches to use a priori known gene association information...
P.preestimationPre-estimation of the transcriptional pertubation targets...
sos.dataSOS pathway perturbation data
NTW documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:51 p.m.