create.optimized.setup: Create optimized setup

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Examples

View source: R/gSetup-class.R


Create a optimized sample assignment.


create.optimized.setup(fun = "default", sample, container, ...)



The name of the optimization function. When omitted, it is the same as default or optimal.shuffle. Currently alternative optimization function is optimal.block. User can define their own optimization function.


A gSample object contains sample related information.


A gContainer object contains experiment related container (chips, plate, exclusion etc) information.


Additional parameters passed to optimization function.


Currently two methods are available: optimal.shuffle (default) and optimal.block methods. The function is equivalent to create.experiment.setup() followed by corresponding optimization function of the same name.


A gExperimentSetup object is returned to store all related information.


# data as an example
inPath <- system.file("extdata", package="OSAT")
pheno <- read.table(file.path(inPath, 'samples.txt'), header=TRUE, sep="\t")

## create object to hold sample information
gs <- setup.sample(pheno,  optimal=c("SampleType", "Race", "AgeGrp"), strata=c("SampleType") )

gc <- setup.container(IlluminaBeadChip96Plate, 6, batch='plates')
# demonstration only. nSim=5000 or more are commonly used.
gSetup <- create.optimized.setup(sample=gs, container=gc, nSim=500)

Example output

An object of class "gSample"
The raw data are
  ID SampleType     Race   AgeGrp
1  1       Case Hispanic (60,100]
2  2       Case Hispanic (60,100]
3  3       Case European (60,100]
4  4       Case European  (50,60]
5  5       Case European  (50,60]
6  6       Case European   (0,30]

     ID SampleType     Race  AgeGrp
571 571    Control European (40,50]
572 572    Control Hispanic (30,40]
573 573    Control European (30,40]
574 574    Control Hispanic (30,40]
575 575    Control European (40,50]
576 576    Control European  (0,30]

 Blocking strata in the data:

  SampleType Freq sFactor
1       Case  317       1
2    Control  259       2

 Optimization strata in the data

   SampleType     Race   AgeGrp Freq oFactor
1        Case European   (0,30]    8       1
2     Control European   (0,30]   58       2
3        Case Hispanic   (0,30]    0       3
4     Control Hispanic   (0,30]    9       4
5        Case European  (30,40]   21       5
6     Control European  (30,40]   54       6
7        Case Hispanic  (30,40]    6       7
8     Control Hispanic  (30,40]   32       8
9        Case European  (40,50]   34       9
10    Control European  (40,50]   52      10
11       Case Hispanic  (40,50]   46      11
12    Control Hispanic  (40,50]    2      12
13       Case European  (50,60]   40      13
14    Control European  (50,60]   44      14
15       Case Hispanic  (50,60]   16      15
16    Control Hispanic  (50,60]    2      16
17       Case European (60,100]   84      17
18    Control European (60,100]    6      18
19       Case Hispanic (60,100]   62      19
20    Control Hispanic (60,100]    0      20
An object of class "gContainer"

It consists of 6 IlluminaBeadChip96Plate plates.
The block level is set at plates level.
  plates cFactor Freq
1      1       1   96
2      2       2   96
3      3       3   96
4      4       4   96
5      5       5   96
6      6       6   96
The container layout is
  plates chipRows chipColumns chips rows columns wells chipID rowID wellID
1      1        1           1     1    1       1     1      1     1      1
2      1        1           1     1    2       1     2      1     1      2
3      1        1           1     1    3       1     3      1     1      3
4      1        1           1     1    4       1     4      1     1      4
5      1        1           1     1    5       1     5      1     1      5
6      1        1           1     1    6       1     6      1     1      6
1       1
2       1
3       1
4       1
5       1
6       1

    plates chipRows chipColumns chips rows columns wells chipID rowID wellID
571      6        2           4     8    1       2     7     48   286    571
572      6        2           4     8    2       2     8     48   286    572
573      6        2           4     8    3       2     9     48   286    573
574      6        2           4     8    4       2    10     48   286    574
575      6        2           4     8    5       2    11     48   286    575
576      6        2           4     8    6       2    12     48   286    576
571       6
572       6
573       6
574       6
575       6
576       6
Warning message:
In create.optimized.setup(sample = gs, container = gc, nSim = 500) :
  Using default optimization method: optimal.shuffle

OSAT documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:48 p.m.