Man pages for PERFect
Permutation filtration for microbiome data

DiffFiltLossDifference in filtering loss
FiltLossFiltering Loss
FL_JFiltering Loss for a set of filtered taxa J
mock2Bias experiment data
NC_OrderTaxa importance ordering by the number of connected taxa
NCw_OrderTaxa importance ordering by the weighted number of connected...
NP_OrderTaxa importance ordering by the number of occurrences of the...
PERFect_permPermutation PERFect filtering for microbiome data
PERFect_perm_reorderPermutation PERFect filtering for microbiome data
PERFect_simSimulation PERFect filtering for microbiome data
pvals_OrderTaxa importance ordering by PERFect p-values
pvals_PlotsPlots of PERFect p-values
TraditR1Traditional Filtering Rule 1
TraditR2Traditional Filtering Rule 2
PERFect documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:43 p.m.