Man pages for PloGO2
Plot Gene Ontology and KEGG pathway Annotation and Abundance

abundancePlotFunction to summarize and plot abundance information from an...
annotationPlotFunction to summarize and plot extracted GO or pathway...
compareAnnotFunction to compare annotation percentages
ExcelToPloGOFunction to add GO annotation to an Excel spread sheet
ExcelToPloPathwayFunction to add KEGG pathway annotation to an Excel spread...
genAnnotationFilesFunction to generate a format in Wego native style from a...
genWegoFileFunction to generate a format in Wego native style from a...
getGoIDFunction to map a vector of GO terms to the corresponding GO...
GOTermListFunction to extract a list of GO terms at level 2,3 or 4 of...
PloGOFunction to do steps of GO annotation and...
PloPathwayFunction to do steps of pathway annotation and...
plotAbundanceBarFunction to plot abundance barplot
printSummaryFunction to print the summary file of PloGO2 results.
processAnnotationFunction to process a set of annotation files given a list of...
processGoFileFunction to process a single file in wego-like native format
processPathFileFunction to process a single pathway file in wego-like native...
read.annot.fileFunction to read an annotation file.
writeAnnotationFunction to print GO/pathway annotation to files
PloGO2 documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:40 p.m.