SUPPZB: Cellular Quantification Domain Supplemental Variables

Description Note


Variable Name Variable Label
STUDYID Study Identifier
RDOMAIN Related Domain Abbreviation
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier
IDVAR Identifying Variable
IDVARVAL Identifying Variable Value
QNAM Qualifier Variable Name
QLABEL Qualifier Variable Label
QVAL Data Value


The following table enumerates the values in QNAM and QLABEL variables

ZBSPECSB Specimen Subtype
ZBREFIDP Source Specimen Identifier
ZBFCF Control Files Names
VISITMIN Planned Visit Minimum Start Day
VISITMAX Planned Visit Maximum Start Day
ZBSPTRT Specimen Treatment
ZBTRTAMV Specimen Treatment Amount Value
ZBTRTAMU Specimen Treatment Amount Unit
ZBTRTDUV Specimen Treatment Duration Value
ZBTRTDUU Specimen Treatment Duration Unit
ZBTRTTMV Specimen Treatment Temperature Value
ZBTRTTMU Specimen Treatment Temperature Unit

RImmPort documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:54 p.m.