
Defines functions qreduceSummarizedExperiment disjoinSummarizedExperiment compactSummarizedExperiment sparseSummarizedExperiment

Documented in compactSummarizedExperiment disjoinSummarizedExperiment qreduceSummarizedExperiment sparseSummarizedExperiment

#' @rdname coerce-functions
#' @title Create SummarizedExperiment representations by transforming
#'     ragged assays to rectangular form.
#' @description These methods transform \code{RaggedExperiment}
#'     objects to similar \code{SummarizedExperiment} objects. They do
#'     so by transforming assay data to more rectangular
#'     representations, following the rules outlined for similarly
#'     names transformations \code{sparseAssay()},
#'     \code{compactAssay()}, \code{disjoinAssay()}, and
#'     \code{qreduceAssay()}. Because of the complexity of the
#'     transformation, ti usually only makes sense transform
#'     \code{RaggedExperiment} objects with a single assay; this is
#'     currently enforced at time of coercion.
#' @param x \code{RaggedExperiment}
#' @param i \code{integer(1)}, \code{character(1)}, or
#'     \code{logical()} selecting the assay to be transformed.
#' @param simplifyDisjoin \code{function} of 1 argument, used to
#'     transform assays. See \code{\link{assay-functions}}.
#' @param simplifyReduce \code{function} of 3 arguments used to transform
#'     assays. See \code{\link{assay-functions}}.
#' @param query \code{GRanges} provding regions over which reduction
#'     is to occur.
#' @param withDimnames \code{logical(1)} default TRUE. propagate
#'     dimnames to SummarizedExperiment.
#' @param sparse logical(1) whether to return a
#'     \code{\link[Matrix]{sparseMatrix}} representation
#' @return All functions return \code{RangedSummarizedExperiment}.
#' @return \code{sparseSummarizedExperiment} has \code{rowRanges()}
#'     identical to the row ranges of \code{x}, and \code{assay()}
#'     data as \code{sparseAssay()}. This is very space-inefficient
#'     representation of ragged data. Use 'sparse=TRUE' to obtain
#'     a \code{\link[Matrix]{sparseMatrix}} assay representation.
#' @example inst/scripts/coerce-functions-Ex.R
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment rowData
#' @export
sparseSummarizedExperiment <-
    function(x, i = 1, withDimnames=TRUE, sparse = FALSE)
    i <- .assay_i(x, i)
    name <- assayNames(x)[[i]]
    assay <- sparseAssay(x, i, withDimnames=withDimnames, sparse = sparse)
    assay <- setNames(list(assay), name)

    colData <- colData(x)
    rowRanges <- rowRanges(x)
    if (!withDimnames) {
        names(rowRanges) <- rownames(colData) <- NULL

    SummarizedExperiment(assay, rowRanges=rowRanges, colData=colData)

#' @rdname coerce-functions
#' @return \code{compactSummarizedExperiment} has \code{rowRanges()}
#'     identical to the row ranges of \code{x}, and \code{assay()}
#'     data as \code{compactAssay()}. This is space-inefficient
#'     representation of ragged data when samples are primarily
#'     composed of different ranges. Use 'sparse=TRUE' to obtain
#'     a \code{\link[Matrix]{sparseMatrix}} assay representation.
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @export
compactSummarizedExperiment <-
    function(x, i = 1L, withDimnames=TRUE, sparse = FALSE)
    i <- .assay_i(x, i)
    name <- assayNames(x)[[i]]
    assay <- compactAssay(x, i, sparse = sparse)
    rowRanges <- setNames(GRanges(rownames(assay)), rownames(assay))
    if (!withDimnames)
        assay <- unname(assay)
    assay <- setNames(list(assay), name)

    colData <- colData(x)
    if (!withDimnames) {
        names(rowRanges) <- rownames(colData) <- NULL

    SummarizedExperiment(assay, rowRanges=rowRanges, colData=colData)

#' @rdname coerce-functions
#' @return \code{disjoinSummarizedExperiment} has \code{rowRanges()}
#'     identical to the disjoint row ranges of \code{x},
#'     \code{disjoint(rowRanges(x))}, and \code{assay()} data as
#'     \code{disjoinAssay()}.
#' @export
disjoinSummarizedExperiment <-
    function(x, simplifyDisjoin, i = 1L, withDimnames=TRUE)
    stopifnot_simplify_ok(simplifyDisjoin, 1L)

    i <- .assay_i(x, i)
    name <- assayNames(x)[[i]]
    assay <- disjoinAssay(x, simplifyDisjoin, i)
    rowRanges <- setNames(GRanges(rownames(assay)), rownames(assay))
    if (!withDimnames)
        assay <- unname(assay)
    assay <- setNames(list(assay), name)

    colData <- colData(x)
    if (!withDimnames) {
        names(rowRanges) <- rownames(colData) <- NULL

    SummarizedExperiment(assay, rowRanges=rowRanges, colData=colData)

#' @rdname coerce-functions
#' @return \code{qreduceSummarizedExperiment} has \code{rowRanges()}
#'     identical to \code{query}, and \code{assay()} data as
#'     \code{qreduceAssay()}.
#' @export
qreduceSummarizedExperiment <-
    function(x, query, simplifyReduce, i = 1L, withDimnames=TRUE)
    stopifnot_simplify_ok(simplifyReduce, 3L)
    if (missing(query))
        query <- rowRanges(x)

    i <- .assay_i(x, i)
    name <- assayNames(x)[[i]]
    assay <- qreduceAssay(x, query, simplifyReduce, i)
    rowRanges <- setNames(GRanges(rownames(assay)), rownames(assay))
    if (!withDimnames)
        assay <- unname(assay)
    assay <- setNames(list(assay), name)

    colData <- colData(x)
    if (!withDimnames) {
        names(rowRanges) <- rownames(colData) <- NULL

    SummarizedExperiment(assay, rowRanges=rowRanges, colData=colData)

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RaggedExperiment documentation built on April 17, 2021, 6:08 p.m.