
Migration of Rsamtools to Rhtslib

What is the migration about?

Before this migration (i.e. for versions < 1.99.0), Rsamtools contained a copy of an old (9-10 year old?) version of the samtools and tabix C code.

The latest version of samtools (as of Feb 6, 2019) is 1.9: http://www.htslib.org/

In the recent years the samtools code has been split into samtools + htslib. Most of the code that used to be in samtools is now in htslib. The latest version of htslib is also 1.9.

Bioconductor package Rhtslib contains htslib 1.7, which is a decently recent version of htslib.

After this migration (i.e. for versions >= 1.99.0), Rsamtools no longer contains a copy of the samtools and tabix C code but compiles and links against Rhtslib instead (i.e. against htslib 1.7).

Current migration status

C/C++ code

In Rsamtools 1.99.0 all the C/C++ code from the old Rsamtools was migrated to Rhtslib, except for the code behind asBcf() and razip():

This happened in samtools 1.0 (15 August, 2014).

Other remaining problems

Status of Bioconductor packages that depend directly on Rsamtools

As of Feb 6, 2019, 159 Bioconductor packages (154 software, 3 data-experiment, and 2 workflow packages) depend directly on Rsamtools (i.e. via their Depends, Imports, or LinkingTo field). So we've only checked manually a few of them. This was on a 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS laptop running R 3.6 (2018-12-04 r75758) and Bioconductor 3.9 (current devel).

All software packages with "LinkingTo: Rsamtools" were tested

All software packages that use applyPileups() were tested

A random sample of a few other software packages were tested

All workflow packages were tested

Status of CRAN packages that depend directly on Rsamtools

As of Feb 6, 2019, 8 CRAN packages depend directly on Rsamtools (i.e. via their Depends, Imports, or LinkingTo field).

What to do about razip-compressed FASTA files and their index files?

The problem

RAZF is no longer supported in recent samtools, and old razip-compressed FASTA files (.rz) and their index files (rz.fai) are now causing problems. Here is an example from the sequencing workflow:

ah <- AnnotationHub()
fa <- ah[["AH18522"]]
idx <- scanFaIndex(fa)  # still works
long <- idx[width(idx) > 82000]
getSeq(fa, param=long)  # ERROR! ('open' index failed)

What to do about it?

The new way to go is to compress with bgzip and to recreate the index.

From the Unix command line

/path/to/samtools-1.7/htslib/bgzip myfile.fa       # creates myfile.fa,gz

/path/to/samtools-1.7/samtools faidx myfile.fa,gz  # generates index files
                                                   # myfile.fa.gz.fai
                                                   # and myfile.fa.gz.gzi

Note that the compression step is actually optional i.e. one can use samtools faidx directly on the uncompressed FASTA file:

gunzip myfile.fa,gz  # uncompress to get myfile.fa back
/path/to/samtools-1.7/samtools faidx myfile.fa     # generates index file
                                                   # myfile.fa.fai only

Note that in this case, only the .fai index file is generated (no .gzi index file).

From R


Then create a FaFile object that can be used with getSeq() as usual:

fa <- FaFile("myfile.fa.bgz")


Here is an itemized summary of what still needs to happen (some details are provided above in this document):

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Rsamtools documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:11 p.m.