SAIGEgds-package: Scalable Implementation of Generalized mixed models in...

Description Details Author(s) References Examples


Scalable and accurate implementation of generalized mixed mode with the support of Genomic Data Structure (GDS) files and highly optimized C++ implementation. It is designed for single variant tests in large-scale phenome-wide association studies (PheWAS) with millions of variants and hundreds of thousands of samples, e.g., UK Biobank genotype data, controlling for case-control imbalance and sample structure in single variant association studies.

The implementation of SAIGEgds is based on the original SAIGE R package (v0.29.4.4) [Zhou et al. 2018] All of the calculation with single-precision floating-point numbers in SAIGE are replaced by the double-precision calculation in SAIGEgds. SAIGEgds also implements some of the SPAtest functions in C to speed up the calculation of Saddlepoint Approximation.


Package: SAIGEgds
Type: Package
License: GPL version 3


Xiuwen Zheng, Wei Zhou (the original author of the SAIGE R package,


Zheng X, Davis J.Wade. SAIGEgds – an efficient statistical tool for large-scale PheWAS with mixed models. *Bioinformatics* (2020). DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa731.

Zhou W, Nielsen JB, Fritsche LG, Dey R, Gabrielsen ME, Wolford BN, LeFaive J, VandeHaar P, Gagliano SA, Gifford A, Bastarache LA, Wei WQ, Denny JC, Lin M, Hveem K, Kang HM, Abecasis GR, Willer CJ, Lee S. Efficiently controlling for case-control imbalance and sample relatedness in large-scale genetic association studies. *Nat Genet* (2018). Sep;50(9):1335-1341.

Zheng X, Gogarten S, Lawrence M, Stilp A, Conomos M, Weir BS, Laurie C, Levine D. SeqArray – A storage-efficient high-performance data format for WGS variant calls. *Bioinformatics* (2017). DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx145.


# open the GDS file
fn <- system.file("extdata", "grm1k_10k_snp.gds", package="SAIGEgds")
gdsfile <- seqOpen(fn)

# load phenotype
phenofn <- system.file("extdata", "pheno.txt.gz", package="SAIGEgds")
pheno <- read.table(phenofn, header=TRUE,

# fit the null model
glmm <- seqFitNullGLMM_SPA(y ~ x1 + x2, pheno, gdsfile, trait.type="binary")

# p-value calculation
assoc <- seqAssocGLMM_SPA(gdsfile, glmm, mac=10)


# close the GDS file

Example output

Loading required package: gdsfmt
Loading required package: SeqArray
Loading required package: Rcpp y     yy      x1 x2
1        s1 0 4.5542  1.5118  1
2        s2 0 3.7941  0.3898  1
3        s3 0 5.0411 -0.6212  1
4        s4 0 5.6394 -2.2147  1
5        s5 0 4.2134  1.1249  1
6        s6 0 4.6145 -0.0449  1
SAIGE association analysis:
Thu May 27 14:50:25 2021
Filtering variants:

[..................................................]  0%, ETC: ---    
[==================================================] 100%, completed, 0s
# of selected variants: 9,976
Fit the null model: y ~ x1 + x2 + var(GRM)
    # of samples: 1,000
    # of variants: 9,976
    using 1 thread
Transform on the design matrix with QR decomposition:
    new formula: y ~ x0 + x1 + x2 - 1
Start loading SNP genotypes:

[..................................................]  0%, ETC: ---    
[==================================================] 100%, completed, 0s
    using 6.6M (sparse matrix)
Binary outcome: y
       y Number Proportion
       0    902      0.902
       1     98      0.098
Initial fixed-effect coefficients:
          x0         x1         x2
    2.520514 -0.7666948 -0.4557928
Initial variance component estimates, tau:
    Sigma_E: 1, Sigma_G: 0.499412
Iteration 1:
    tau: (1, 0.4994116)
    fixed coeff: (2.520514, -0.7666948, -0.4557928)
Iteration 2:
    tau: (1, 0.3287896)
    fixed coeff: (2.521231, -0.776603, -0.4592503)
Iteration 3:
    tau: (1, 0.2817812)
    fixed coeff: (2.525954, -0.7738757, -0.4579659)
Iteration 4:
    tau: (1, 0.3211452)
    fixed coeff: (2.525719, -0.7730823, -0.4577413)
Iteration 5:
    tau: (1, 0.3361534)
    fixed coeff: (2.527166, -0.7739766, -0.4579633)
Final tau: (1, 0.3322063)
    fixed coeff: (2.527666, -0.774237, -0.4580237)
Calculate the average ratio of variances:
Thu May 27 14:50:31 2021
     1, maf: 0.0370, mac: 74,	ratio: 0.9325 (var1: 0.0792, var2: 0.0849)
     2, maf: 0.0645, mac: 129,	ratio: 0.9459 (var1: 0.0723, var2: 0.0764)
     3, maf: 0.4390, mac: 878,	ratio: 0.9398 (var1: 0.0422, var2: 0.0449)
     4, maf: 0.0115, mac: 23,	ratio: 0.9202 (var1: 0.1, var2: 0.109)
     5, maf: 0.0135, mac: 27,	ratio: 0.9439 (var1: 0.0823, var2: 0.0872)
     6, maf: 0.0505, mac: 101,	ratio: 0.9391 (var1: 0.0716, var2: 0.0763)
     7, maf: 0.0425, mac: 85,	ratio: 0.9417 (var1: 0.073, var2: 0.0775)
     8, maf: 0.2290, mac: 458,	ratio: 0.9421 (var1: 0.0563, var2: 0.0598)
     9, maf: 0.0270, mac: 54,	ratio: 0.9381 (var1: 0.0761, var2: 0.0812)
    10, maf: 0.0205, mac: 41,	ratio: 0.9390 (var1: 0.0824, var2: 0.0878)
    11, maf: 0.1560, mac: 312,	ratio: 0.9384 (var1: 0.0666, var2: 0.071)
    12, maf: 0.0285, mac: 57,	ratio: 0.9343 (var1: 0.0803, var2: 0.0859)
    13, maf: 0.4110, mac: 822,	ratio: 0.9376 (var1: 0.0458, var2: 0.0488)
    14, maf: 0.4530, mac: 906,	ratio: 0.9421 (var1: 0.0398, var2: 0.0422)
    15, maf: 0.0930, mac: 186,	ratio: 0.9396 (var1: 0.0715, var2: 0.0761)
    16, maf: 0.0220, mac: 44,	ratio: 0.9387 (var1: 0.0668, var2: 0.0712)
    17, maf: 0.1655, mac: 331,	ratio: 0.9410 (var1: 0.0641, var2: 0.0681)
    18, maf: 0.4520, mac: 904,	ratio: 0.9375 (var1: 0.0438, var2: 0.0467)
    19, maf: 0.0105, mac: 21,	ratio: 0.9406 (var1: 0.0821, var2: 0.0873)
    20, maf: 0.0350, mac: 70,	ratio: 0.9332 (var1: 0.0833, var2: 0.0893)
    21, maf: 0.0235, mac: 47,	ratio: 0.9377 (var1: 0.0744, var2: 0.0793)
    22, maf: 0.3730, mac: 746,	ratio: 0.9406 (var1: 0.0474, var2: 0.0504)
    23, maf: 0.0130, mac: 26,	ratio: 0.9530 (var1: 0.0629, var2: 0.066)
    24, maf: 0.0345, mac: 69,	ratio: 0.9459 (var1: 0.0684, var2: 0.0724)
    25, maf: 0.1905, mac: 381,	ratio: 0.9370 (var1: 0.0628, var2: 0.0671)
    26, maf: 0.4080, mac: 816,	ratio: 0.9392 (var1: 0.0422, var2: 0.0449)
    27, maf: 0.0105, mac: 21,	ratio: 0.9338 (var1: 0.0902, var2: 0.0966)
    28, maf: 0.1350, mac: 270,	ratio: 0.9422 (var1: 0.0624, var2: 0.0663)
    29, maf: 0.1600, mac: 320,	ratio: 0.9393 (var1: 0.0648, var2: 0.069)
    30, maf: 0.0335, mac: 67,	ratio: 0.9396 (var1: 0.0738, var2: 0.0785)
    ratio avg. is 0.9391186, sd: 0.005418568
Thu May 27 14:50:32 2021
SAIGE association analysis:
    # of samples: 1,000
    # of variants: 10,000
    MAF threshold: NaN
    MAC threshold: 10
    missing threshold for variants: 0.1
    p-value threshold for SPA adjustment: 0.05
    variance ratio for approximation: 0.9391186
    # of processes: 1

[..................................................]  0%, ETC: ---    
[==================================================] 100%, completed, 0s
# of variants after filtering by MAF, MAC and missing thresholds: 9,976
  id chr pos ref alt AF.alt mac  num        beta        SE      pval
1  1   1   1   rs1   1   2 0.0305  61 1000  0.60625030 0.4725683 0.1995327
2  2   1   2   rs2   1   2 0.0380  76 1000 -0.09626136 0.4105846 0.8146360
3  3   1   3   rs3   1   2 0.0215  43 1000 -0.55244963 0.5705584 0.3329139
4  4   1   4   rs4   1   2 0.3895 779 1000  0.14369591 0.1651303 0.3841926
5  5   1   5   rs5   1   2 0.0390  78 1000  0.40635898 0.4038370 0.3142977
6  6   1   6   rs6   1   2 0.0525 105 1000  0.29798129 0.3451521 0.3879543
     p.norm converged
1 0.1995327      TRUE
2 0.8146360      TRUE
3 0.3329139      TRUE
4 0.3841926      TRUE
5 0.3142977      TRUE
6 0.3879543      TRUE

SAIGEgds documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:46 p.m.