
Defines functions .create_federated_table .mysql_has_write_perm .mysql_info .get_mysql_var .set_mysql_var normalizeRowIndex ridx .wheredbkey .available_tbls

.available_tbls <- function(x)
    con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = x)
    tbls <- DBI::dbListTables(con)

.wheredbkey <- function(x) {
    stopifnot(is(x, "SQLDataFrame"))
    match(dbkey(x), colnames(tblData(x)))

ridx <- function(x)

normalizeRowIndex <- function(x)
    ridx <- ridx(x)
    if (is.null(ridx))
        ridx <- seq_len(x@dbnrows)

## MySQL connection & password in package environment

mysqlEnvironment <- new.env()

.set_mysql_var <- function(conn, pswd = NULL) {
    var <- .mysql_info(conn)
    allvar <- ls(mysqlEnvironment)
    if (!var %in% allvar)
        assign(var, pswd, envir = mysqlEnvironment)

.get_mysql_var <- function(conn) {
    var <- .mysql_info(conn)
    get(var, envir = mysqlEnvironment)

.mysql_info <- function(mysqlConn){  ## return user@host
    info <- dbGetInfo(mysqlConn)
    paste0(info$user, "@", info$host)

## if MySQL connection has write permission
.mysql_has_write_perm <- function(conn)
    grants <- dbGetQuery(conn, "show grants for current_user")
    keywords <- "ALL PRIVILEGES|CREATE"
    any(grepl(keywords, grants[,1]))   

## MySQL create federated table in local connection (having write permission)

.create_federated_table <- function(remoteConn, dbtableName,
                                    localConn, ldbtableName, remotePswd)
    ## open docker, require credentials here:
    stopifnot(is(remoteConn, "MySQLConnection"))
    ## show create table in remoteConn for column options
    createinfo <- dbGetQuery(remoteConn,
                             build_sql("SHOW CREATE TABLE ", sql(dbtableName), con = remoteConn))
    columninfo <- createinfo[createinfo$Table == dbtableName, "Create Table"]
    if (!missing(ldbtableName))
        ## columninfo <- gsub("CREATE TABLE .+ (",
        columninfo <- gsub(paste0("CREATE TABLE `", dbtableName, "`"),
                           paste0("CREATE TABLE `", ldbtableName, "`"),
    columninfo <- gsub("ENGINE=.+ ", "ENGINE=FEDERATED ", columninfo)
    ## create table (temporary?) in localConn, with same column options, using federated engine.
    remoteInfo <- dbGetInfo(remoteConn)
    sql_conn <-build_sql(sql(columninfo),
                         sql(paste0(" connection='mysql://",
                                    ifelse(is.null(remotePswd), "", ## if no password required.
                                           paste0(":", remotePswd)),
                                    "@", remoteInfo$host, "/",
                                    remoteInfo$dbname, "/",
                                    dbtableName, "'")),
                         con = localConn)
    dbExecute(localConn, sql_conn)

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SQLDataFrame documentation built on Nov. 29, 2020, 2:01 a.m.