Man pages for SigCheck
Check a gene signature's prognostic performance against random signatures, known signatures, and permuted data/metadata

classifyResultsPrecomputed list of results for a calls to 'sigCheckRandom'...
knownSignaturesPreviously identified gene signatures for use in...
nkiResultsPrecomputed list of results for a call to 'sigCheckAll' using...
sigCheckCreate a 'SigCheckObject' and establish baseline performance.
sigCheckAllRun a default set of checks on a gene signature.
sigCheckKnownCheck signature performance against a panel of known...
SigCheckObject-classClass '"SigCheckObject"'
SigCheck-packageCheck a gene signature's survival and/or classification...
sigCheckPermutedCheck signature performance against performance on randomly...
sigCheckPlotPlot results of a signature check or set of checks
sigCheckRandomCheck signature performance against signatures composed of...
SigCheck documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:38 p.m.