Man pages for SigsPack
Mutational Signature Estimation for Single Samples

bootstrap_mut_cataloguesBootstraps a given mutational catalogue
cosmicSigsCOSMIC Signature Profiles
create_mut_cataloguesCreates simulated mutational catalogues
decomposeQPdecomposeQP function
get_context_freqExtract occurence of tri-nucleotide contexts
hg19context_freqTrinuecleotide frequencies of the human reference genome hg19
normalizeNormalize mutational catalogues
plot_bootstrapped_exposurePlot signature exposure estimation for several samples
signature_exposureEstimates the signature exposure of a mutational catalogue
sigProfiler20190522COSMIC v3 whole genome SBS Signature Profiles
sigProfilerExomeCOSMIC v3 exome SBS Signature Profiles
summarize_exposuresSignature exposure analysis of a mutational catalogue
vcf2mut_catDerive the mutational catalogue from a vcf
SigsPack documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:57 p.m.